V. 空間論述Postmodern Geography (with a focus on Canadian city)

A. General

Benko, George, & Ulf Strohmayer, eds.  Space and Social History: Interpreting Modernity and Postmodernity.  Oxford: Blackwell, 1997. 

de Certeau, Michel. The Practice of Everyday Life. Trans. Steven Rendall. Berkeley: U of California P, 1984. 

Dear, Michael, J. The Postmodern Urban Condition. Malden, Mass : Blackwell Publishers, 2000.

Duncan, Nancy, ed.  Body Space: Destablizing Geography of Gender and Sexuality.  NY: Routledge, 1996.

Foucault, Michel. "Of Other Spaces." Diacritics (1986): 22-7. 

Genocchio, Benjamin. "Discourse, Discontinuity, Difference." Postmodern Cities and Spaces. Ed. Sophie Watson & Katherine Gibson. Cambridge: Blackwell, 1995: 35-46. 

Grosz, Elizabeth. "Bodies-Cities." Sexuality and Space. Princeton: Princeton Architectural Press, 1992. 

Gottdiener, M. & A. Ph. Lagopoulos ed.  The City and the sign.  NY: Columbia UP. (Barthes, et al) 

Jacobs, Jane M. Edge of Empire: Postcolonialism and the City. NY: Routledge, 1996. 

Keith, Miachael & Steve Pile, eds. Place and the Politics of Identity. NY: Routledge, 1993.

Kaplan, Caren. Question of Travel: Postmodern Discourse of Displacement. Durham: Duke UP, 1996.

Lefebvre, H.  (1991)  The production of Space.  London: Basil Blackwell. 

Liggett, Helen  & David C. Perry, eds.   Spatial Practices: Critical Explorations in Social/Spatial Theory.  London: Sage, 1995. 

Mitchell, W. J. T., ed. Landscape and Power. Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1994.

Probyn, Elspeth. "Travels in the Postmodern: Making Sense of the Local." Feminism/Postmodernism. Ed. Linda Nicholson. NY: Routledge, 1990. 

Soja, Edward W. Postmodern Geographies: The Reassertion of Space in Critical Social Theory. NY: Verso, 1989. 
Condi, Richard. "Toronto." National Geographic June (1996): 121-39. 

---.  Third Space: Journeys to Los Angeles and Other Real-and-Imagined Places.  Oxford: Blackwell, 1996. 

Teather, Elizabeth K., ed. Embodied Geographies : Spaces, Bodies and Rites of Passage (Critical
. New York: Routeledge, 1999.


B. Canadian City or Specific Geographies

Breton, Raymond, Wsevolod W. Isajiw, Warren E. Kalbach, Jeffrey G. Reitz. Ethnic Identity and Equality: Varieties of Experience in a Canadian City. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1990. 

Caulfield, Jon. City Form and Everyday Life: Toronto's Gentrification and Critical Social Practice. Toronto: U of Toronto P: 1994. 

Carney, George O., ed. The Sounds of People and Places: A Geography of American Folk and Popular Music. Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 1994. (including chapters on k. d. lang) 

Delany, Paul, ed. Vancouver: Representing the Postmodern City. Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp P, 1994.

Demchinsky, Bryan, and Elaine Kalman Naves. Storied Streets: Montreal in the Literary Imagination. Toronto : Macfarlane, Walter & Ross, c2000.

Hoffman, Todd. Secret Montreal: The Unique Guidebook to Montreal's Hidden Sites, Sounds, & Tastes. Toronto: ECW, 1997.

Jackson, Peter. "Policing Difference: 'race' and crime in metropolitan Toronto." Constuctions of Race, Place and Nation. Eds. Peter Jackson & Jan Penrose. U of Minnesota P, 1994: 181-200. 

Keith, W.J. Literary Images of Ontario. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1992. 

Lay, David. "Gentrification." The Canadian City. Ed. Kent Gerecke. Montreal: Black Rose Books, 1991: 181-96. 

Mitchell, Scott. Secret Toronto: The Unique Guidebook to Toronto's Hidden Sites, Sounds, & Tastes. Toronto: ECW, 1998.
