Love of Insanity
          I would like to say that the speaker's love to Parphyria is fierce and violent. He pictured her as an ideal lover. When he found out that she is different from what he had thought, he chose to kill her. He wanted her to be "perfectly pure and good" and be "his fairy". However, she didn't accomplish what he thought; she "laid her soiled gloves by " and " Her hat and let the damp hair fall." So later when she sat down by his side and called him, he did not feel like to answer. There was no voice replied. (And called me. When no voice replied) Maybe it is a sign, he started to feel angry with her which occur to her being killed by him at last. Latter, his sentiment fell into the very down of the depression. So he said," A thing to do, and all her hair. " Then he was thinking to remain her aside by killing her with her hair," In one long yellow string I wound three times her little throat around, and strangled her."  I think he became mad when he decide to kill her. He was pleased with what he did and he thought Prophyria would feel pleased as he did, so he said " No pain felt she: I am quite sure she felt no pain (he thought she is pleased.) " I warily opened her lids. Again laughed the blue eyes without a stain." (He was pleased with what he did.) And he though that God would not say a word. Besides, in my opinion, he considered that the only way to keep her is to kill her and to remind what she should be, but it is impossible; "I propped her head up as before, Only, this time my shoulder bore her head, which droops upon it still."
     In my personal opinion, I think the speaker loves Prophyria crazily, but she just doesn't know how to show it. (He gave her a burning kiss after he strangled her.) However, I would like to say he tend to be domineering. He didn't follow the rule of love: to respect each other and protect her. When I first time read the poem, it just make me think about the short story we have read before - The yellow wallpaper, and I would like to compare them in the follow.
The Yellow Wallpaper
Prophyria's Lover
His love to her
He took care of her. He loves her very much.
What he wants her to do? Take the rest at home for her sickness. To be his ideal lover.
Her love to him
She does love him. She loves him very much.
The end
She became crazy. She is killed by him.
The difference
He does love her, but the way he chose is wrong. He does not try to listen to her and care about her feeling. He thinks he is a man, and he can decide anything. His love is stronger than the actor's in "The Yellow Wallpaper," while he kills Prophyria at the end, for she is not his ideal lover, and he could not stand for this fact. His love to her is silly.