Ode on a Grecian urn

    In the first stanza, the urn was compared to human beings, which is different from the last stanza. We see some metaphors, like "bride" "child" "historian" which show the pureness of the urn. We also feel that the urn has existed silently in the world for a long time. However, we see some metaphors "attic, shape" "fair attitude" "cold Pastoral" in the last stanza. The poet realized the truth that the urn is totally different from human so that he views it an inanimate object. The urn didn't have its own feeling and couldn't  share our sorrow. All the emotion showed on the urn was given by the artist.
     In stanza three, the repetition of the words "happy" and "forever" tell us the feeling of the bold lover, however last three lines seems agree with this thought. "All breathing human passion far above, That leaves a heart high-sorrowful and cloyed, A burning forehead and a parching tongue" I think that people who look at the urn have their passion and they believe that the lover should be sad because he can't reach his lover.
     I think the poet wanted to express a kind of permanence. Like the tree never shed its leaves, and piping songs never disappeared. This picture on the urn shows that bold lover can never kiss the girl because the pattern shows a static condition. In the real life, it's hard to tell whether the man can kiss the girl or not, but on the urn the possibility exists. The man 's love toward this girl would last forever.
    In the stanza four, poet mentions a lot about the little town that does not being shown on the urn. The poet seemed to remind us the origin of these people, or in another point of view, he tried to lead us thinking about the origin of the urn. What could be the origin of the urn? The answer should be the artist, or we can view it as human.
    In the first stanza, the speaker said, "Sylvan historian, who canst this express a flowery tale more sweetly than our rhyme." This line represented that human and art have certain degree of distance. Art can't experience what we have experienced and naturally, it can't understand how we feel. "Beauty is truth, truth beauty---that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know". What we want to appreciate from art is eternal beauty, but there must be something more important on earth than beauty.