I. Reader and Collections of Essays

Bertens, Hans & Douwe Fokkema, eds.  International Postmodernism: Theory and Literary Practice.  Philadelphia: John Benjamins P.. 1997.


  1. Introductory Essays;
  2. PM in Other Arts; (dance, film, music, visual arts)
  3. PM writing (genres, strategies)
  4. The Reception and Processing of PM (in different areas)

Docherty, Thomas, ed. Postmodernism: A Reader. New York: Harvester, 1993.

Foster, Hal, ed. The Anti-Aesthetic: Essays on Postmodern Culture. Seattle: Bay P, 1983. 
呂健忠譯。《反美學》。台北立緒, 1998。

    Hal Foster, "Postmodernism: A Preface"; 
    Jurgen Habermas, "Modernity -- An Incomplete Project"
    Kenneth Frampton, "Towards a Critical Regionalism: Six Points for an Architecture of Resistance";
    Rosalind Krauss, "Sculpture in the Expanded Field"; 
    Douglas Crimp, "On the Museum's Ruins"; 
    Craig Owens, "The Discourse of Others: Feminists and Postmodernism"; 
    Gregory L. Ulmer, "The Object of Post-Criticism"; 
    Frederic Jameson, "Postmodernism and Consumer Society"; 
    Jean Baudrillard, "The Ecstacy of Communication"; 
    Edward W. Said, "Opponents, Audiences, Constituencies and Community."

*Jencks, Charles, ed. The Post-Modern Reader. New York: St Martin's Press, 1992. 
查理.金克斯。《勒.柯必意與建築的悲劇觀點》(Le Corbusier and the Tragic View of Architecture)。王錦堂譯台北市臺隆75[1986]。(臺灣大學工圖784.28 4130.2)

Jenkins, Keith.  The Postmodern History Reader.  NY: Routledge, 1997. 

Kaplan, E. Ann, ed. Postmodernism and Its Discontents: Theories, Practices. New York: Verso, 1988. 

Silverman, Hugh, ed. Postmodernism--Philosophy and the Arts. New York: Routledge, 1990.
--- & Donn Welton, eds.  Postmodernism and Continental Philosophy. New York: State U of New York P, 1988. 

Wallis, Brian.  Art Aafter Modernism : Rethinking Representation. New York : David R. Godine Publisher, 1984.
