Homi Bhabha
Mimicry; Hybridity; Third Space; Postcolonial Culture
LAURA JAMES, Black Girl With Wings Larger size

"Of Mimicry and Man"  from The Location of Culture.  NY: Routledge, 1994.  p. 86

"Signs Taken for Wonder"  from The Location of Culture.  NY: Routledge, 1994.
The Third Space
"The intervention of the Third Space of enunciation, which makes the structure of meaning and reference an ambivalent process, destroys this mirror of representation in which cultural knowledge is customarily revealed as integrated, open, expanding code.  Such an intervention quite properly challenges our sense of the historical identity of culture as homogenizing, unifying force, authenticated by originary Past, kept alive in the national tradition of the People" (37).
"The non-synchronous temporality of global and national cultures opens up a cultural space -- a third space--where the negotiation of incommensurable differences creates a tension peculiar to borderline existences. . . Hybrid hyphenisations emphasize the incommensurable elements as the basis of cultural identities" (218)
on Transnational/Tranlational Culture
from  Greenblatt and Gun's Redrawing the Boundaries,
  Bhabha on Multiculturalism, cultural diversity and cultural difference
from Identity: Community, Culture, Difference. Ed. Jonathan Rutherford. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1990.
a creation of cultural diversity and a containment of cultural difference p. 208
...we really do need the notion of a politics which is based on unequal, uneven, multiple and potentially antagonist, political identities. ...whatis at issue is a historical moment in whihc these multiple identites do actually articulate in challenging ways, either positively or negatively, either in progressive or regressive ways, often conflictually, sometimes even incommensurably

Multiculturalism represented an attempt both to respond to and to control the dynamic process of the articulation of cultural difference, administering a consensus based on a norm that propagates cultural diversity.

...p. 209 This kind of liberal relativist perspective is inadequate in itself and doesn't generally recognise the universalist and normative stance from which it constructs its cultural and political judgements.

p. 210 the act of signification ...must always ...have within them a kind of self-alienating limit. Meaning is constructed across the bar of difference and separation between the signifier and the signified.  So it follows that no culture is full unto itself, no culture is plainly ...not only because there are other cultures which contradict its authority, but also because its own symbol-forming activity, ...always underscores the claim to an originary, holistic, organic identity.

By translation I first of all mean a process by which, in order to objectify cultural meaning, there always has to be a process of alienation and of secondariness in relation to itself.

..translation is also a way of imitating...