Theories and Texts
Image from John
Barth site
Relevant Links:
John Barth,
by Brian Green, too.
"In the case of Electronic
Virtual Reality versus literature, the difference is so enormous as to
be a matter not of apples and oranges but rather of lotuses and rhinoceri,
or perhaps hawks and handsaws. More precisely, it is the difference between
virtual reality, which deals in real virtualities, and the purely virtual
virtuality of literary texts. The sights and sounds and feels of EVR are
literal physical sensations generated by artificial stimuli. The printed
page, on the other hand--except for illustrated texts and scratch-and-sniff
kiddy books--is strictly anesthetic, however incidentally appealing to
the eye and hand its typeface, paper stock, and binding. Even in the greatest,
most spirit-stirring novels there are no literal sights/sounds/feels/tastes/smells:
only their names, artfully invoked in silent language. The virtual worlds
of literature are unencumbered by literality. It is both their great limitation
and their indispensable virtue that their virtuality is virtual; that they
exist not in our nerve-endings but in the pure hyperspace of our imaginations."
The following
sites are taken from those recommended by Green: