Literary Criticism Databank, Postmodernism, Postcolonialism
Postmodern Theories and Text
Posmodernism and Post-Colonialism
General Issues:    
  • Self-Images of Chinese-Americans
  • Self-Images of North American Aboriginals
    under construction 12/24/1998

    Past the last Post

    [the editors see postmodernism] see it. . . as a determined attempt to retain the position and influence of global centrality. More than simply capitalism's cultural logic, it now sounds like the essence of capitalism itself:

    Post-modernism. . . operates as a Euro-American western hegemony, whose global appropriation of time-and-place inevitalby proscribes certain cultures as 'backward' and marginal while coopting to itself certain of their cultural 'raw' materials. Post-modernism is then projected onto these margins as normative, as a neo-universalism to which 'marginal' cultures may aspire, and from which certain of their more forward looking products might be appropriated and 'authorized'. Their contention that post-modernism and post-structuralism exercise intellectual hegemony over the post-colonial world and post-colonial cultural production is obviously relevant to the problematically post-colonial former white settler colonies of Australia, Canada and New Zealand.. .

    p. x from Past

    Brydon vs. Hutcheon