輔大英文系系友會solicitbg.GIF (22351 bytes)








1. 培養學生批評、分析、獨立思考、以英語口語及書寫清晰表達之能力。
2. 健全發展學生智力、人格及價值觀。
3. 與全球英語語言與文學結合,呈現國際化英語觀,並落實台灣本土需求。


本系已架設系友會之網頁(http://www.eng.fju.edu.tw/alumni/index.htm),希望可藉此讓系友對本系有更大的向心力。本系將加強與系友之聯繫,並以1. 英文系客座教授基金;2. 系獎學金;3. AIEDL遠距教學教材設計;4. 戲劇活動,為具體募款之重心。


英文系發展基金     英文系獎學金


A. Undergraduate
In 1963 the English Department, under the chairmanship of Fr. Peter Venne, SVD, participated in the reestablishment in Taiwan of the former Fu Jen University of Beijing. Fr. Venne was chair from 1963-1974, followed by Fr. Pierre Demers 1974-1982, Sr. Heliena Krenn 1982-1988, Dr. Joyce C.H. Liu 1988-1993, Mr. Thomas Nash 1993-1999, Ms. Cecilia H.C. Liu 1999-2002, Dr. Raphael Schulte 2002-2004, and Dr. Yun-pi Yuan 2004- to the present. From 1967-1981 the Department granted B.A. degrees to an average of 50 students a year; since 1982 the number of graduates has increased to an average of 70 a year. Thanks to the endeavors of each chair and the department faculty, the English Department plays an important role in the field of English education in Taiwan and develops countless persons of exceptional English ability for the public and private sectors.

B. M.A. Program
The Graduate Institute of English Language and Literature was established by Fr. Pierre Demers in 1975. Fr. Demers served as director from 1975 to 1982, followed by Bro. Nicholas Koss 1982-1988, Dr. Steven Berkowitz 1988-1993, and Fr. Daniel Bauer 1993-1996. To comply with the MOE's policy on combining Departments and their respective Graduate Institutes, the Graduate Institute of English Language and Literature merged with the Department of English Language and Literature in 1996 and Mr. Thomas Nash, the English Department Chair, became the Chair of the resulting merged unit. Ms. Cecilia H.C. Liu took over in August of 1999 and is currently serving as Chair.

C. Department Vision
1. To improve and develop students' abilities to think critically, analytically, and independently, and to articulate those thoughts in both their English speaking and writing;
2. To educate the holistic development of the students, not only with regard to their intellectual capabilities but also with regard to their personality development and values formation;
3. To present the English language as an international and local phenomenon, in conjunction with the developing international English language and its literatures.

Proposals for Fund Raising

The department has established the alumni webpage (http://www.eng.fju.edu.tw/alumni/index.htm), in order to enhance the relationships between department and alumni. The major proposals for fund raising are 1. funded professorships; 2. department scholarships; 3. AIEDL teaching materials; and 4. theater productions.

To make donation to Fu Jen University Foundation, a U.S. not-for-profit public benefit corporation, please contact: Ms. Sophie Lei, Tel: 415-648-4738; Fax: 415-838-3406; Email: sleialdrich@att.net.







1998 --『您久久發』!祝大家一切順利平安!



群英會全體幹部  敬上

November 1998