Applied Computer Technology
Spring Semester
Guidelines for Making Your FrontPage

Please make sure you have the following for this assignment:

Elements Weights
Contents completion 30%
Homepage 5
About Me: Self-introduction
Hobbies 5
Campus Life: Four-year Plan
Course taken
Course to take 5
Assignments: Computer assignments from fall semester; MLA assignment; assignments from another subject 5
Relevant Links 5
Photo/Picture Gallery 5
Backgrounds 40%
自行設計 (背景和版面:利用表格,書籤,自創背景功能) 15
套用景主題 5
表格 5
框架效果 10
水平線 5
Browsing Effects 8%
跑馬燈 3
網頁轉換效果 5
Footer 5%
解析度 2
最佳瀏覽器 2
最近更新日期 1
Links 12%
同頁連結 3
同資料夾不同網頁連結 3
外部相關網頁連結 3
E-mail 連結 3
列印導覽頁 5%