Contemporary Canadian Film and Literature: Survival in Post/Modern Cities(Fall, 2001)
  1. What is a city, or a modern city?  What're the common issues of a modern city?  And what makes its cultural productions interesting? 
  2. What are the differences between modern and postmodern city? 
  3. What are the issues specific to Toronto and Monntreal as Canadian cities? 

I. City and Modern City:
City: a relatively permanent and highly organized centre of population, of greater size or importance than a town or village.  (source:
Modern City  -- 1) 人口集中、2) 高度工業/科技發展、3)人文薈萃
  1. 都市人口的增加大約是由1850年左右開始的。1900

  2. rapid increase of population: As late as 1800 only 3 percent of world population lived in towns of more than 5,000 inhabitants.  . . .  In the century after 1850, world population doubled, and the proportion living in cities of more than 5,000 inhabitants rose from less than 7 percent to almost 30 percent.  Between 1900 and 1950 the population living in large cities (100,000 plus) rose by 250 percent, the rate of increase in Asia being three times that of Europe and the United States.
PopulationAverage annual rate of 2000
distribution (%)change in population (%)1995-2000
Urban  Rural  Urban  Rural
China  32  68  2.47  0.22
Hong Kong 100  2.14  0.00
Japan  79  21 0.37  -0.44
Rwanda 94   9.37  7.61
United Kingdom  90  10  0.23  -0.30
United States of America 77  23  1.11  -0.08
Canada  77 23 1.11 0.65
(source: United Nations-- Indicator of Human Settlements)

1) 10萬以上人口的都市
1952年--   8個,
1980年--  17個,高雄市及台北市已成為百萬人以上的都會區,

2) 集中在都市人口比率
1960年-- 53%,
1982年-- 75%,
1985年-- 78.6%,台灣都市化的現象更產生郊區化的現象。(Ref. 1)
Taipei -- 2001/8 --  2,626,811

II. Development of the modern city
III. Canadian Cities

Canadian Issues 


1. 陳瑞貴.  〈變遷中的台灣正在邁向未來嗎? <>: Sept. 19, 2001.
2. Donald, James.  “Metropolis: The City as Text.”  Social and Cultural Forms of Modernity.  Ed. Robert Bocock & Kenneth Thompson.  Cambridge: Polity, 1992.