Straight for the Heart
  Lea Pool

The characters: Pierre (a photo journalist), David (working in an acquarian), Sarah (a celloist), Quentin (a window cleaner)
The  title:  corps perdu -- 'with lost body'; impetuously; in desperation.

I. The menage-a-trois: Pierre--David -- Sarah: Why do Sarah and David leave Pierre?  How does Pierre respond to it?

II. Pierre as a photo journalist: What is his style of photography?  In Nicaragua and then back in Montreal?
  1. Pierre's style: objective/detached or subjective/involved?  From the most objective/detached to the most subjective/involved.
III. From obsession to liberation: How does Pierre liberate himself?
  1. After knowing Quentin
  1. Is he liberated from his obsession with Sarah and David, or from his egotism? 

1. the three celebrating the 10 years' anniversary
2. the two in the bathroom, dragging P in
3. somebody cannot be consoled --> running
4. getting an answer from Sarah
5. from David
6. Nicaragua images--the mother
7. his habit of looking: fragmenting + associating
8. corroding image --tunnel vision
9. recurrent image: the shooting
10 mother 1
11. mother 2
12. recurrent image: airplane
13. photo 1: rejection, emptiness
14, photo 2: self
15, photo 3: banquet guest;  photo 4: garbage -- we care for things
16.self-reflection, the old woman
17. railway, the images and sounds in Nicaragua
18. Quentin --represent the other two
19. Liberation 1: Quentin's help
20. re-experience love and rejection: Sarah
21. re-experience love and rejection: David
22. Liberation 2: city to airplane
23. Liberation 3: mother to airplane
24. his photo work: destruction to liberation
25. recurrent images: tunnel
26. Liberatino 4: self-reflections --the child in me
27. Liberation 5: self-affirmatin; the child = that in Nicaragua
28. Liberation 6: departure