Design Procedure:

(From  Chapter 7 of: Alessi, S.M. & Trollip, S.R. (1991). Computer-Based Instruction: Methods and Development, 2nd edition. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.)
  Activities Explanations
1 Determine needs and goals * Determine what the student should know or be able to do after completing the lesson. 
2 Collect resources * Relevant to subject matter, instructional development, and delivery system. 
* In this course they refer to things such as textbooks, reference books, original source materials, films, audio tapes, etc.
3 Learn the content * The designer must be very familiar with the content. 
* Ex. interviewing the expert, reading texts and other instructional materials. etc.
4 Generate ideas * Do brainstorming to generate creative ideas. 
5 Design instruction * Performing concept and task analyses on the content. 
* Preliminary choices about instructional methodologies and factors.
6 Flowchart the lesson * Depicts the sequence and decisions of a lesson. 
* The visual representation of decisions and events is the best way to depict the interactions between computer & learners.
7 Storyboard displays on paper * Depicts the content and presentations. 
* The process of preparing textual and pictorial displays so they will fit within the display limitations of your computer. 
* Include information presentations, questions, feedback, directions, prompts, pictures, and animations.
8 Program the lesson * Translate what you have on paper into a series of instructions 
understandable to the computer.
9 Produce supporting materials  
10 Evaluate and revise  


Features of the procedure:

  1.  It is empirically based: based on a cycle of draft, evaluate, and revise until the product works.
  2.  It is driven by principles of cognitive psychology. (See chapter 1 for more information.)
  3.  It is an emphasis on creativity.
  4.  It is the progression from discussion to paper ideas to implementation on a computer.
  5.  It is a team-oriented approach. Courseware is always better when several people collavorate.