Junior Composition and Conversation
Cecilia H. C. Liu

Try to give full answers to these questions since the whole point of this exercise is to help one another with your paper.

1) Does the paper have a main idea?  Can you identify it easily? Write it here.

2) Is the paper organized logically?  Or does it jump around from point to
point?  What is the organizational structure?

3) Are the quotes handled gracefully or does the writer just tack them in
there and give you a "bump ride"?  Give examples of rough spots.

4) Are citations done correctly?  Are there enough sources?

5) Is the "Works Cited" page produced correctly?  Check in your book if you
need to.

6) How about the sentences? Any run-ons?  Fragments?  Unclear thoughts?  Do
you understand everything that is written?

7) How is the spelling and punctuation?

8) What do you think of the work as a whole?  Is it good?  Bad?  Mediocre?
What needs to be worked on before this is in shape to be handed in?  Be
specific!  This is an important paper.

9) Additional comments: