English Notebook Contest I
March - April 2000

Many thanks --
to all the participants for your contributions,
and also to Mr. Nash in helping correct the English on this page.

Note-keepers & their notes teachers' comments
Kate & Tom
I saw a film in philosophy of life, and a girl said "The fighting pushes us nowhere"
This idiom means that this fighting can't  solve the problem. 
Arguing over what One China means will get us nowhere.
(1) I'm having my finals tomorrow. 我明天有期末考!

 (2) He comes back from America with a bad case of jet lag!

(3) Hooray! We have no school tomorrow!

(4) The song is so beautiful! 這首歌真好聽

(5) A: Let's go! B: Where to? 去哪兒?

(6) My father and I went to the spa last week. 洗溫泉 
(7) Look! There is a hot spring! 

(8) A: What type of watch are you looking for?
B: I'm looking for a stop watch. 碼錶
I'm looking for a quartz watch. 石英錶
I'm looking for a digital watch. 電子錶
I'm looking for a water resistant watch. 防水錶
I'm looking for a mechanical watch. 機械錶

(9) I'm going to kick your butt. 我要踢你的屁股;我要打敗你

(10) I am dead meat! 我完蛋了!

David Chou, Freshman
 spa 三溫暖 
or a resort with mineral springs or hot springs

1. in ages/for ages 很久
2. get tongue-tied 緊張地不能說話
3. be in the same boat 同處於不愉快的情況
no context? 

Now that the final week is coming, you will all be in the same boat.  Help each other out.

David Chou, Freshman
(1) It will do you a world of good. [a lot of good]

(2) David finally landed a wife. He got married last week. 
[land a wife = get a wife]

(3) Before driving a car, remember to buckle up/wear/fasten your seat belt.
cf. You have to undo your seat belt before leaving your car.

(4) We have a serious problem. We need to find a way out of this jam we're in.
[jam = unpleasant situation = predicament]

(5) Do you have any Tylenol?
[Tylenol = pain killer] *** Tylenol: This word is even more popularly used than pain killer through whole America. 
(Yes, like Kleenex but not facial tissue?) Yes.

(6) He stood me up! = I got stood up! 我被放鴿子了!

(7) Don't worry! The love between children is just puppy love! 純純的愛

(8) I'm sorry for being late! But my alarm clock didn't go off! 鬧鐘沒響

(9) I like to sing in the shower. [It means that I like to sing when I am taking a shower.]

(10) I know how to shoot marbles well! [shoot marbles: 打彈]]

(11) John: Mary, you look like your mother!
Mary: I have her eyes! 我的眼睛長得很像我媽媽!{ English is easier, right?}

(12) Tom: Jane, your voice is so loud!!
Jane: Thank you. I take that as a compliment. [very useful in daily  conversation!]

(13) A: How's your brother, David?
B: Not too good, I'm afraid! In fact, he's just had his ATM card stolen!
A: Ah! He must be very fed up now! [David is very sad right now.]

very good
Idioms and Proverbs:
(1) Nothing ventured, nothing gained. 不入虎穴焉得虎子

(2) find a needle in a haystack [ This term describes something which is almost impossible to achieve]

EX: Mary says that finding a good husband is like finding a needle in a haystack.

(3) Hello Kitty is now at all rages. [It means Hello Kitty is very popular  right now.]

(4) Tom will go down into the history because of his brave deeds.
[ This means that Tom will soon become famous in the course of history] 留名青史

(5) Stare into the thin air! 發呆!

David Chou, Freshman
Is David your student, Tom?

Today in our C&C course, the teacher said that some invisible pressure dragooned her into giving up some demands. 
dragoon . . . into... means that persuade someone to do sth. they don't want to do
poor teacher!
snack (v) ( 吃零食 )
We snacked on potato chips while we waited for the bus.
(while we were waiting for the bus?)  Either way.
 Ponzi scheme noun
An investment swindle in which high profits are promised from  fictitious  sources and early investors are paid off with funds raised from later ones.

 "Rice said he agreed with the SEC that Herl and May were operating a Ponzi scheme in which proceeds from newly sold notes are used to pay interest on older notes."
Jim Bohman, Limits set on USA Financial, Dayton Daily News, Feb 4, 1999.

I don't know this word.
I've heard of it.

1. A child prodigy.
2. A person of remarkable talent or ability who achieves great  success or acclaim at an early age.
"`It's amazing, the age-ism that you find in Hollywood,' Linney groans. `The man is not that old, for heaven's sake. People think he is because he was so young when he did Singin' in the Rain. He was a wunderkind.'"

I don't know this word.
From German: wonder child 
(kind as in kindergarten). 
 verb To attack (ground troops, for example) with a machine gun or  cannon from a low-flying aircraft.
noun An attack of machine-gun or cannon fire from a low-flying  aircraft.
"An AP reporter took shelter behind some rocks on the edge of the  village of Dachu-Borzoi as helicopters swooped down to strafe the  woods." Russians, Rebels Fight `Street by Street', Greensboro News  & Record, Jan 20, 2000.
What's Gina doing reading the Greensboro News  & Record? (newspaper online?)
 tip (v) ( 給(小費) )
I tipped the waitress 30% because she was so friendly.
appetizer (n) ( 開胃菜 )
We only ordered drinks and appetizers because we weren't very hungry.
I love to have onion skins as an appetizer!
Daily Conversation
(1) Tomorrow is not a good time. 明天不方便
[Do not use the word: inconvenient]  Why not?

(2) Anna: Do you mean " We're all right?"
Tom: You have my word! 沒錯!

(3) Anna: Hi! This is Jack. I am Anna.
Bob: Tasty! 好正點! Sexist remark

(4) David came back and crashed.
[It means that David did nothing but stay on the sofa or watch TV as   soon as he came back from work/school.
 I would think it meant he went to sleep. 

(5) Trying to be thin can make you thick.
[being thick here means learn/do things very slowly; awkward]

(6) I am your fan. I watch your show every day! 我是你的忠實觀眾!
[ Do not use the word like faithful or loyal]

(1) stick out like a sore thumb = to stand out
EX: Larry is the only boy in the class. He sticks out like a sore thumb.

(2) sing its praise = to admire a lot
EX: Mary sang its praises of the local restaurant; She said its good!

(3) We got a lucky break.
[It means that getting advantages that help us out]
EX: I got up late this morning, but fortunately I got a lucky break. The bus came 5 minutes late.

(4) sure-footed horses: 腳步穩健的馬
Difference in Language Usage

(5) I am in the minority. = I am a minority.
cf: I am in the majority. We don't say that I am a majority. 

David Chou
1. bound feet 裹小腳}
2. rain cats and dogs 傾盆大雨 
3. It's not my cup of tea. (not one's cup of tea) 不是我所在行的事;不 合我的胃口
4.a piece of cake 輕而易舉(的事)
polyhistor (n.)
A person with broad knowledge.
He is a polyhistor in college.
shoestring (預算)緊的 
Traveling on a shoestring budget can be very challenging
Our web project has been developing on a shoestring budget. 
acephalous (adjective)
1. Headless or lacking a clearly defined head.
2. Having no leader.
Can you analyze the morphology of this word? 
It comes from Greek; 
a - prefix: not, without; 
as in asexual, ahistorical
 travel agent ( 旅行社 )
Your friendly neighborhood travel agent would be happy to send you  on a trip.
(1) This gorgeous painting measures 22 meters by 7 meters. 22乘7 的畫  長22寬7的畫.

(2) If you want ot make real money, you cannot just have one job.  That's not enough to make real money.
  *make real money: to make a large sum of money

(3) Scoot over, please! 請坐過去一點(叫人讓位時用)

(4) Take it or leave it! 要不要隨你!

(5) Don't touch that remote control. 別轉台!

(6) gondola: 平底輕舟
EX: In Venice, you can ride on the canals in a gondola.

(7) branch: 分岔
EX1: The river branches into four streams.
EX2: We finally came to a place where the road branched into three.

(8) twin size bed: 單人床
queen size bed: 雙人床
bunk bed: 上下鋪的那種床
1. upper bunk: 上鋪
2. lower bunk: 下鋪

(9) soak up: 沈浸其中;吸收
EX1: We went to the beach and soak up the sun.
EX2: Sponges can soak up liquids.

(10) 1-800 number: 免付費電話 [very popular in the United States]
EX: Do you have an 1-800 number? 你們有免付費電話嗎?

(11) kiss up: 拍馬屁![Notice: The preposition "to" is required when someone is  added up in the back of the "cute" phrase]
EX: Little John likes to kiss up to his father.

(12) platform shoes: 厚底鞋
A: What kind of shoes do you like to wear?
B: I like to wear platform shoes.

(13) make a wish: 許個願吧!

(14) dress code (衣著規定): For example, some churches or  restaurants have specific rules   for a specific type of dressing if one wants to be allowed to enter.
A Short Conversation~~~
Lynn: You jog every day, Anna?
Anna: Just about. I believe jogging is good for me, and I love it!!
*just about: almost (very useful in daily conversation) ^^ 

  ^^ After having a wonderful informative sightseeing in Venice, I went  to have ice  cream with my tour guide. ungrammatical sentence.

   **informative sightseeing: 知性之旅
This looks like a translation from the Chinese expression.  Sightseeing is not a noun.

 ^^ Let's now compare three funny words:
(1) horizontal: 水平的
(2) vertical: 垂直的
(3) diagonal: 斜斜的 (斜角)
^^ Print Club: 大頭貼 (?)I haven't heard of it either.
^^ Little John: What's that stuff?
Little Tom: It's a robot that helps my mother do all the housework.
Little John: Wow! That's eye-opening. 真是令我大開眼戒!! 

David Chou, Freshman
  (1) photogenic: 上相的
EX: You are very photogenic.
(2) sewing kit: Something you may find in five-star hotels in case that you  want to sew your clothes.
(3) slam dunk: 灌籃!
(4) Little Beauty: Let's play Tic Tac Toe. [Tic Tac Toe: 圈圈擦擦的遊 戲]
Little Handsome: I make the first move. 我先!
Little Beauty: I win!
Little Beauty: You lose!
(5) block (used for playing basketball): 蓋火鍋! 
walk (used for playing basketball): 帶球走步! 
building blocks: 積木 
David Chou, Freshman
pernicious (adj.) means harmful
The snake is pernicious. Do not get close to it. X pernicious anemia 
How is it different from poisonous?
more than harmful--deadly.  It does not collocate with snake.  ((so 
  pernicious snake is not correct)) It's use in more technical registers.  e.g. pernicious anemia (a type of severe anemia). 
你們有辦大學營ㄇ?? 偶素高二生!Annie This is not English; it's Chinese + Taiwanese.