English Notebook Contest    --    Online tutors

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English of the week Re-Cycled


Animal World 動物:  Answer Recommended websites

1. What many of you referred to as the "growing process" or "life process" of
    animals and insects is more properly called the ________.

2. An animal's front legs: ___________. 前腿
3. An animal's back legs: ___________. 後腿

4. Animals that have completely disappeared are __________. 絕種動物(The noun form is
    ______.) If they are in danger of this, they are called _endangered_______ species.
5. Animals and plants that we raise for good or keep at home are ________.在家養的動、植物
   Otherwise, they are _________.  野生動植物

6. An animal which is fed when young on its mother's milk is a ________.  哺乳動物
7. Animals that eat meat are _________,肉食動物 those that eat plants are _______,草食動物 and
    those that eat both are ______.雜食動物 If they eat only insects, they are
    __________. (The ADJ forms: carnivorous, herbivorous, omnivorous, insectivorous)
8. To go into a sleep-like state in winter is to ________.冬眠 The noun form is _______.


 Animal Bites
1. Busch Garden (http://www.seaworld.org/animal_bytes/animal_bytes.html)
    (Information about some of the unique creatures with scientific classification,
    fun facts, and biological value. )
2. San Diego Zoo (http://www.sandiegozoo.org/wildideas/animal/)

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