Common Errors-- D



I. 基本文法說明

damage (損害、損失)當動詞的時候通常為被動語法 /事物 be damaged 表示主詞的某部位或某部分被損傷了。而當名詞的時候,特   別注意 damage 為不可數名詞,所以不用加 -s或者冠詞。另外「造成損失、傷害」用 do/cause damage



2. 錯誤發生情況及修正

A.     誤用 damage 來指人受傷

Alan was very lucky and was only slightly damaged in the car accident. (X)

   Alan was very lucky and was only slightly hurt in the car accident. (O)


damage 指的是事物的部份或人的部位受到損害損傷,如果是要泛指人在意外中所受的傷害,通常會使用 hurt/injured/wounded 這類的動詞來表達。

The engine was seriously damaged. 引擎損傷嚴重。

A lot of people were killed and others were injured in the 921 earthquake.


B.     誤把 damage 當作可數名詞使用

The typhoon caused a lot of damages. (X)

   The typhoon caused a lot of damage. (O)


記得 damage 當名詞用的時候為不可數名詞,既不能加 –s 也不能加冠詞。

C.     damage搭配錯誤的動詞

The floods made a lot of damage. (X)

   The flood caused a lot of damage. (O)


Most of the damage has been produced by the rats. (X)

   Most of the damage has been done by the rats. (O)


「造成損失、傷害」的適當動詞搭配為 do/cause damage 而非 make produce

D.     「對~造成傷害」的特定介係詞

The earthquake caused serious damage of the surrounding buildings. (X)

   The earthquake caused serious damage to the surrounding buildings. (O)


The damage that staying up late can do in our health is beyond imagination. (X)

   The damage that staying up late can do to our health is beyond imagination. (O)


記得「對~造成傷害」用的是 cause/do damage to sth




 dead died 不同的「死法」


I. 基本文法說明

dead (死的)是形容詞,用來描述一種狀態。而 died則是 die (死亡、去世)的過去式/過去分詞。


2. 錯誤發生情況及修正

A.     誤把 dead (死的) 用成「死亡去世」的意思

My mother is dead when I was still a baby. (X)

     My mother died when I was still a baby. (O)


  這邊親人去世死亡已經是個既成的事實而非狀態,所以應該用 died 而非


  I can’t tell if this cat is dead or alive. 我無法分辨這隻貓是死的還是活的。

  Fay Johnson died from a heart attack. 費強森死於心臟病發。

B.     「死人」的正確說法

  The purpose of this gathering is to honor the dead people. (X)

     The purpose of this gathering is to honor the dead. (O)


  當你要表達「死者」或「死去的人」,記得不要用字面的 the dead people 而是要說成 the dead





 degree 當「學位」的用法

I. 錯誤發生情況及修正

A.     「學士學位」、「碩士學位」的正確說法

I have a Master degree in English literature. (X)

   I have a master’s degree in English literature. (O)


記得無論是學士還是碩士學位,英文都要在 bachelor, master後面加上 ‘s,正確的形式為 a master’s degree (碩士學位)/a bachelor’s degree (學士學位)

B.     「在某~領域的學位」的特定介係詞

Maggie is studying for a degree of computer science. (X)

   Maggie is studying for a degree in computer science. (O)



a degree in + 特定的領域科目(a degree in law) 或者 a特定的領域科目degree (a law degree) 都是正確的說法。

C.     「攻讀」「取得」學位的特定動詞

May has come to France to obtain a Master’s degree in art. (X)

   May has come to France to do a master’s degree in art. (O)


do/take/get a degree去「攻讀、取得」某種學位--注意不要隨便使用其他動詞。




despite in spite of 的用法

I. 基本文法說明

despite 或是 in spite of 雖然都有「儘管、雖然」的轉折意思,但因為它們的詞性為介係詞而非 although 一般的連接詞,所以不能用來連接兩個句子。


2. 錯誤發生情況及修正

A.     despite/in spite of 當成連接詞來用

Despite I enjoyed my stay in the UK, I was still glad to come home. (X)

   Although I enjoyed my stay in the UK, I was still glad to come home. (O)

雖然在中文的翻譯上 despite / in spite of although 的意思接近,但是因為詞性不同,注意在連接句子的時候要用 although

B.     誤把 despite 也加上 of

Despite of the cold weather, she still wears short sleeves. (X)

   Despite the cold weather, she still wears short sleeves. (O)

   In spite of the cold weather, she still wears short sleeves. (O)


記得 despite 是不用加上 of 的,只有 in spite of 這個介係詞片語。

C.     although 之後又加上另一個不必要的連接詞 but

Although Maria was tired, but she still went on working. (X)

   Although Maria was tired, she still went on working. (O)

   Maria was tired, but she still went on working. (O)

although (雖然) but (但是)都是連接詞,而英文連接兩個句子只需要一個連接詞意義便會成立,所以當在前面使用 although 的時候,後面的句子就不用加 but。反之,當後面使用 but 的時候,前面的句子自然也不用再出現 although