Feel Feeling 動詞與名詞的正確「感覺」用法


1. 基本文法說明

feel 是感官動詞,後面通常接形容詞來形容感覺,如果需要後接一個句子,則用 feel like feel as if/though 帶出。feeling 是它的名詞,當在描述你的感覺時多用複數形式加上 –s

2. 錯誤發生情況及修正

A. feel 後面接了不正確的詞性

  例:I feel terribly about this accident. (X)

      I feel terrible about this accident. (O)


  記得 feel 後面要接形容詞,其他類似的感官動詞包括 smell (聞起來), sound (聽起來), taste (嚐起來) 等,另外等於 be 動詞作用的連綴動詞 look (看起來), seem (好像是) 後面也是接形容詞。

B. 用到 feel like 但是後面沒有接子句

   例:You feel like in a jungle when you live in the city. (X)

        You feel like you are in a jungle when you live in the city. (O)


feel like 還有 feel as if/though 後面都是接有主詞有動詞的子句。

C. feeling 用了單數表達感覺

   例:It is necessary to express your feeling from time to time. (X)

       It is necessary to express your feelings from time to time. (O)


   feelings 用複數形是指你對某事的看法觀感。

   例:My own feelings are that you shouldn’t be so mean to your sister.


   例:He used to hide his feelings in front of people.





Be filled with Be full of 兩個片語不同程度的「裝滿」

1. 基本文法說明

這兩個動詞片語基本上都有「裝滿~」的意思,唯一微妙的差別在於 be filled with 是真的裝滿滿沒有剩下空間,而 be full of 可以用來表達「都是~」被大量的某種人事物填滿的感覺。

2. 錯誤發生情況及修正

A. 把「都是~」形容被大量的某種人事物的感覺用成 be filled with

   例:Mary’s shoes were filled with water so she took then off. (X)

       Mary’s shoes were full of water so she took then off. (O)


   例:The afternoon bank is usually filled with people. (X)

       The afternoon bank is usually full of people. (O)


   記得如果並非真的裝滿整個空間,而是要用來強調那種「滿滿都是」什麼東西的感覺,用 be full of 而不是 be filled with




For 的幾個常見的用法


1. 基本文法說明

for 為介係詞,所以後面接的是名詞,最常見的意義是「為了~」。另外 for +

一段時間也有「為時多久」表達時間的意義,所以常會出現在完成式(have + pp)


2. 錯誤發生情況及修正

A. 混淆 for 和不定詞 to-V 的用法

   例:Bill came to Taiwan for learning Chinese. (X)

       Bill came to Taiwan to learn Chinese. (O)


   雖然兩者都有「為了~」的意思,但是記得如果後面接的是表達目的原因而去做的動詞,要用不定詞 to-V 才正確。

B. 搞錯for to 同時存在句子的位置及意義

   例:Being a female makes it more difficult for to answer this question. (X)

       Being a female makes it more difficult for me to answer this question. (O)


   要表達「做某件事對~來說是~」要用 for + sb+ to-V

   例:It’s hard for me to let go.


 C. 沒有使用 完成式+ for +一段時間 來正確表達從事某事已經多久了

    例:I’m waiting here for almost half a day. (X)

        I’ve been waiting here for almost half a day. (O)



     for + 一段時間 表示已經有多久了。





  Fun 「樂趣」的正確用法


1. 基本文法說明

fun 是不可數名詞,所以不能加 –s 也不能當形容詞用。


2. 錯誤發生情況及修正

A. 混淆 fun pleasure/enjoyment 的微妙差別

   例:A good book can give you a lot of fun. (X)

       A good book can give you a lot of pleasure. (O)


   雖然同為「樂趣」,但是 fun 是單純的好玩有趣,而 pleasure/enjoyment


   動,我們會用 enjoyable/pleasurable 來形容這種經驗而非 fun

B. fun 當成形容詞來用

   例:The game he taught us was very fun. (X)

       The game he taught us was a lot of fun. (O)


   例:Office life is not very fun. (X)

       Office life is not much fun. (O)


   千萬記得 fun 是不可數名詞不是形容詞,所以當你使用 fun 來表達某件事

   物有不有趣的時候,記得用 a lot of fun, not much fun, great fun 才正確。

C. 「得到樂趣」誤用其他不正確的搭配動詞

    例:I made a lot of fun during this summer vacation. (X)

        I had a lot of fun during this summer vacation. (O)


    例:You will get a lot of fun staying here. (X)

         You will have a lot of fun staying here. (O)


    「得到樂趣」或者「玩得開心」都是用 have fun