
課程名稱: (中文) 英語口語訓練(二)
English Oral Training II
開課時段: 星期二 3、4節  10:10~12:00
學 分 數: 下2 (為一學期課程,每週兩小時、兩學分)
授課老師: 游秀麗 人  數: 30
開課對象: 二、三、四年級學生


教學目標: This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of effective public communication. The goal of this course is to improve students’ communicative competence. It will first examine the nature of communication, the potential communication problems, and speech anxiety to prepare students with the knowledge of public communication. Next, it will provide appropriate expressions and management strategies to help students promote the development of effective oral communication. Content and delivery skills that are fundamental to effective public speaking are provided for students to learn and practice. The content, such as choosing appropriate topics, preparing effective introductions and conclusions, organizing and outlining content, and linking ideas are focused. The delivery skills, including using note cards and audio visual aids, establishing rapport with the audience, improving posture, eye contact, and vitality, and controlling volume, and pitch are also emphasized. Major activities included are introducing the similarities and differences, arguing in favor of a position, impromptu speech, and proposing changes. After studying and practicing throughout the course, students can hopefully become good public speakers.




授課方式: The students are expected to come to class regularly, to complete the class assignments, and to participate actively in classroom activities, practices and discussions.




評分方式: The final grade will be based upon the following weighing: Presentation and speech (50%); activity, practice and discussion (40%); class attendance (10%). ※ If you cut class three times, don’t bother to come any more.
