
Dr. Martin Elsky講座系列

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學者Dr. Martin Elsky為世界知名的中世紀文藝復興時期學者,目前為美國紐約市立大學英文系博士班、比較文學博士班教授及文藝復興研究學程主任,著作等身,多次受邀前往德國、法國、捷克、匈牙利、波蘭等地進行演講及擔任訪問學者,目前更擔任美國文藝復興時期學社(Renaissance Society of America)之Constitution Committee委員、Conference Committee委員、及董事,美國Renaissance Quarterly(文藝復興季刊)副總編輯、 巴黎EpistemeAdvisory Committee委員,為一重量級國際知名學者。
  1. Topic: Managing a Country House: Ben Jonson and a Seventeenth-Century Household
    Date: January 8, 2007 (Monday). 9:30~11:30
    Venue: SF901, SVD Building, Fu Jen Catholic University.
    iscussant: Prof. Wang I-chun, Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, NSYSU王儀君,國立中山大學外文系教授

    This paper uses archival materials (the correspondence of Robert Sidney, including correspondence with his wife) to contrast Jonson’s image of Penshurst,. Robert Sidney’s principal residence, with the social realities of life in the country on the periphery of the court. The emphasis will fall on the attempt to use a local, county identity to forge an identity based in a national monarchical center, London.


  2. Topic: Architecture and Renaissance Poetry
    Date: January 10, 2007 (Wednesday). 10:10~12:00
    Venue: SF130, SVD Building, Fu Jen Catholic University.

    This is a presentation about the relationship between architecture and literature. It will first focus on the Renaissance invention of the private room, the studio, as part of the division between private and public spaces that developed in Renaissance domestic interiors. It will then show how this architectural innovation is reflected in the poetry of the period, probably with emphasis on Philip Sidney’s Astrophil and Stella.


  3. Topic: Religion and the Politics of Identity in the Literary Criticism of Erich Auerbach
    Date: January 11, 2007 (Thursday). 13:40~15:30
    Venue: LA302, College of Foreign Languages and Literature, Fu Jen Catholic University.
    iscussant: Prof. Daniel Fried, Department of English, NCU 傅雲博,國立中央大學英美語文學系助理教授

    My recent work has to do with the literary criticism of Erich Auerbach, the fiftieth anniversary of whose death (2007) we are now approaching. As author of Mimesis (1946; English trans. 1953), Auerbach made a lasting mark on literary criticism in Europe and America. There has been a steady stream of interest about his work in the US and now especially in Germany. In collaboration with a German and an American colleague I have just completed a translation of some of Auerbach’s war time letters; the translation will appear in PMLA (2007). I also note that a scholar in Taiwan (National Central University) has recently published an article on Auerbach in a prestigious American journal (Daniel Fried, Comparative Literature 57 (2005): 312-327).

    My paper concerns Auerbach as a twentieth-century transcultural intellectual within the context of Germany’s "tri-confessional" history. Born in Berlin to a Jewish family, he received a French Protestant education, and ultimately adopted a Catholic view of European culture and literature. By the time he was forced from Germany under the Nazis, and in exile in Istanbul, he turned to biblical exegesis as the basis of the entire Western literary tradition. His turn to biblical narrative was in essence a meditation on the relation between religion and national identity. In late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Germany, ancient religious controversy about the orientation of Greek, Jewish, and Christian religion and thought became a focal point for determining the relation between Judaism, Catholicism, and Protestantism in the formation of the German national state. Philological scholarship presented itself as the means to adjudicate the public claims of religious denominations. Auerbach’s escape to Istanbul was an occasion to apply the philology he took with him from Germany to look back upon the relation between scholarship, religion, and identity; Istanbul became the location for a "tri-confessional" meditation that produced a powerful account of European literature. My focus will center around his best known essay, "Figura," as the turning point in his outlook on literature and as the first step towards his masterwork Mimesis, which has recently been re-released by Princeton University Press with an introduction by Edward Said.


  4. Student Workshop about applying to graduate school in the US
    Date: January 10, 2007 (Wednesday). 1:30~3:30
    Venue: LA302, College of Foreign Languages and Literature, Fu Jen Catholic University.

    This can center around the major aspects of the application process: grades, standardized exams, letters of recommendation, personal statement, writing sample. My experience is based on a number of years of service on the admissions committee of the English doctoral program at the CUNY Graduate Center.


1. 活動內容:

本系邀請美國紐約市立大學Dr. Martin Elsky來台參與共教共學活動,分別與本系蕭笛雷老師之研究所「獨立研究」課程、墨樵及蘇文伶老師之大學部「西方文明史」課程、劉紀雯老師之研究所「當代文學理論選讀」課程合作,18日上午9:30~12:00假聖言樓九樓遠距教室SF901講演 “Managing a Country House: Ben Jonson and a Seventeenth-Century Household”,由康士林院長擔任主持人,並邀請中山大學外文系教授王儀君老師擔任與談人。110日上午10:10~12:00假聖言樓SF130教室講演 “Architecture and Renaissance Poetry”111日下午1:30~3:30假外語學院大樓LA302教室講演 “ Religion and the Politics of Identity in the Literary Criticism of Erich Auerbach”,並邀請中央大學英美語文系助理教授傅雲博老師Prof. Daniel Fried擔任與談人。

除舉辦演講外,Dr. Martin Elsky亦為本校同學舉辦美國留學座談會。由本系系主任袁韻璧老師擔任主持人,Dr. ElskyGPA、GRE、Letters of Recommendation、Personal StatementWriting Samples等五大主題,為同學詳細說明留學申請應注意之相關事項如成績、入學資格考試、申請資料、在美生活等,並回答同學之相關問題。

2. 活動參與人次:



第三場演講亦為研究所程度之演講,除本系教師及研究生、本校比較文學研究所博士生,並有台科大應用外語系余盛延教授、美國楊百翰大學英文系Dr. Jess Crisler教授一同參與,約二十餘人參加。


3. 特色與成果:


由於一般留學座談會皆由坊間之留學補習班辦理,本次留學座談會由美國知名學府招生委員會的教授親自說明,本系並事先於同學報名時詢問同學針對本次座談會想了解的相關問題,彙整之後交予Dr. Elsky,故本次座談會可針對台灣學生之需求加以說明,也讓同學對於留學美國有較正確、真實的了解,參與之同學亦踴躍提問,同學皆表示獲益良多。


演講一:康士林院長介紹Dr. Elsky Dr. Elsky演講
演講二:墨樵老師介紹Dr. Elsky Dr. Elsky演講
演講三:劉紀雯老師介紹Dr. Elsky 演講場景
座談會:袁韻璧主任介紹Dr. Elsky Dr. Elsky向同學解說留學相關事宜

[English Department]