Freshman Reading
            English Majors, Section B
            Spring 2000
            Daphne Lin, SF230 (ext. 3819)


                         Objective:  On completing the course, you are supposed to be able to speed read English texts,
                                            acquire vocabulary in context, identify the main idea of an essay, outline an essay,
                                            interpret and apply internet literacy, and synthesize references.

                         Approaches:  This is a web-assisted cooperative English Reading classroom.  That is, many
                                                assignments and activities require you to work in groups of 4 (or 5); therefore,
                                                you will have to learn how to cooperate with other students.  Another feature of
                                                this course is that you will be taught to surf the World Wide Web and to acquire
                                                knowledge from the net.

                         Texts:  1.  Handouts:
                                           Hard-copy handouts on reading skills will be distributed in week 1. Other types of
                                           handouts will be emailed to your mailbox every now and then.

                                     2.  HTML texts:
                                        Fact Sheet Readings¡XThis part consists of 5 articles each providing general
                                          information about one subtopic, and every student is required to read all of them.
                                          The reading activities for this part are mainly conducted in the web classroom. Online
                                          exercises such as T/F Questions, Multiple Choice, and Short-answer Questions will be
                                          assigned. In addition, students are required to reach high-level comprehension of all the
                                          five articles.

                                       Reading Projects¡XThis part consists of further information discussing the five subtopics,
                                          and each topic has 5 reading assignments/links.  Project Readings is an activity designed
                                          for group work. Each group has to take a turn in the first semester to work on a project.
                                          On the first day we meet for class, we will discuss the assignment of project topic and
                                          schedule. The follow-up activities of each unit regarding Project Readings are different.
                                          Please refer to each unit for explanation.

                         Design of Units: Besides a movie showing at the end of the semester, three reading units will be
                                                    covered. Each unit focuses on a general topic, and each topic covers 5 subtopics.
                                                    The reading texts are divided into two parts: Fact Sheet Readings and
                                                    Reading Projects. This semester, we will explore topics on travel, music, and

                         Requirements:  Make sure you meet the requirements listed below.
                                                   1. Be attentive and initiative in class.
                                                   2. Follow teachers'  instructions in web classroom.
                                                   3. Take responsibility for teamwork.
                                                   4. Hand in all assignments on due dates.
                                                   5. Keep three hard copies and two diskette copies of your written assignments,
                                                       including email messages and message board discussion records.  Sort the
                                                       assignments by date.
                                                   6. Email your teacher as instructed in every unit.
                                                   7. Participate Message Board discussions at least 2 times.

                          Attendance: Your instructors will faithfully keep the attendance record.  Therefore, follow the rules
                                               listed below lest you should fail the course.
                                               1. Two times late is considered one absence.
                                               2. Three absences will lead to a lowered grade.
                                               3. More than three absences will be ground for failing the course.

                          Grading:     Written Assignments ¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K 30%
                                             In-class Activities ¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K20%
                                             Reading Project Outline (Group) ¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K10%
                                             Reading Project Oral Presentation ¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K20%
                                             Final Written Exam ¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K 20%