
Major Goals:

  1. Break down a phenomenon into analyzable parts.
  2. Explain causes and effects;  its problems and possible solutions.
  3. Concrete examples.

Possible Topics:

1. TV News program and its coverage.
2. Cell phone: causes of its popularity--What the consumers like; what the producers sell?
3. Pub phenomena

New Topics:
2. Bra show 內衣秀 vs. our English week
3. 哈日in our department?:
藝能、    生活、 流行、 旅遊、 街頭( 涉谷之中島小辣妹)、美食、 商品(三種哈日燒貨色,1000元有找! 頭戴西瓜皮的西瓜熊、髮型勁爆的AFRO狗和可愛無敵的蛋蛋小子,是目前日本最HITO的偶像商品)、購物、日劇、 選秀(小室哲哉)

4. The large-wave migration to China,
5. Education: The new college entrance systems, 基本學力測驗
6. The International Sex Workers'  Cultural Festival and the sex-workers' appeal
7. What the juniors do on the Internet
8. Variety shows: whether there are good ones.
9. The 西門町 I like.
10. The youngsters' view of marriage and children.
11. The trend-following craze in Taiwan.