
Final Exam

II. Essay Questions

I. Identification/Definition and Articulation 30% (Choose 2; each 15%; in two paragraphs
-- define the term or identify the issues discussed in the excerpts;
-- articulation: express your views on the term or the issues, and relate them to a text (English or Taiwanese, literary or culture) and/or another theoretical concept.

1. T. S. Eliot "Objective Correlative"

2. Organic unity: "For Eliot, the natural, organic unity that is missing from the world and that we ourselves have also lost with the advent of scientific rationalism and the utilitarian thinking of industrialization--the 'dissociation of sensibility'--is embodied aesthetic form in poetry."

3. Artists as day dreamers: ". . . many writers have claimed that they too have received some of their best ideas from their dreams. . . .Dante, Goethe, Blake, Bynyan, and a host of others owed much of their writings, they claimed, to their world of dreams. And others, such as Poe, DeQuincey, and Coleridge borrowed from their drug-induced dreams the content of some of their most famous works." (You can choose not to comment on these writers.)

4. Castration Anxiety and Oedipalization

5. "The mirror stage . . .the subject, caught up in the lure of spatial identification, the succession of phantasies that extends from a fragmented body image to a form of its totality. . .and, lastly, to the assumption of the armour of an alienating identity, which will mark with its rigid structure the subject's entire mental development" (Lacan 1977:4)

6. Antonio Gramsci hegemony

7. A Marxist critic may begin such an analysis by showing how an author's text reflects his or her ideology through an examination of the fictional world's characters, settings, society, or any other aspect of the text. From this starting point, the critic may then launch an investigation into that particular author's social class and its effects on the author's society.

8. Panopticism

9. The production of consent implies popular identification with the cultural meanings generated by the signifying practices of hegemonic texts. The concept of text suggest not simply the written words, . . . but all practices which signify. . . . meaning is produced in the interplay between text and reader so that the moment of consumption is also a moment of meaningful production.

10. A concept or passage you have found the most important/enlightening to you.

if not . . .