Cross Culture Communication- Global Understanding Project


Please do the pre-course online survey! !  <<


Please connect to do the post online survey here! ! <<

Meeting Time:
In this course, we will have local weeks and international connection weeks. For local weeks, we will complete 3 hours of the course on Wednesday. For international weeks, we will meet with our partner school on Monday and Wednesday.
Local weeks: Class on Wednesdays 5:40pm-8:20pm
International connection weeks: Class on Monday 8:00pm-9:15pm and Wednesday 8:00pm-9:15pm

Grading and Requirements:
-Attendance: Please note that attendance is compulsory.  Every one-session absence will take 2 points and lateness 1 point of the final average grade.  Six absences will lead to fail the course.
- Papers 40%: *1 Joint Paper and 1 independent paper.  You will be requested to produce at least one joint paper with your international partner. Topics will be announced.
- 5 Journals 35%
- Oral Presentation 25%
-Pre-Survey and post-survey (counted as part of participation)

Participation Arrangement
Since we have 28 students in our course (and 14 students in the partner schools), we will divide you into two groups. Group A (14 students) will involve actively with ECU students in videoconferencing and chats. Group B (the other 14 students) will work actively with DCT students in Switzerland. You will act as observers when you are not involved actively in the interaction.

Each student is required to 5 journals for the entire semester. This journal is used in a variety of ways to enhance learning and is part of the determination of the final grade. Keep regular journals (one page for each entry), reflecting the communication (i.e., chat or videoconference) with your partners or observation thoughts.