FrongPage Assignment

General Instructions:

         Deadline: Section A: April 21, Section B and C: May 1, 2009

         Please burn your files on to a CD-ROM, or upload them to an online space and give us the URL.

       please name your FrontPage folder as "section_number_name_type" with underlines between each word.

         You MUST turn in the printouts of the structure page (導覽頁).

         Points will be taken off for late assignments!


Please make sure you have completed the following for this assignment:

Elements Weights
Contents completion 30%
Homepage 5
About Me: Self-introduction
Hobbies 5
Campus Life: Four-year Plan
Course taken
Course to take 5
Assignments: Computer assignments from fall semester; MLA assignment; assignments from another subject 5
Relevant Links 5
Photo/Picture Gallery 5
Backgrounds 40%
自行設計 (背景和版面:利用表格,書籤,自創背景功能) 15
套用景主題 5
表格 5
框架效果 10
水平線 5
Browsing Effects 8%
跑馬燈 3
網頁轉換效果 5
Footer 5%
解析度 2
最佳瀏覽器 2
最近更新日期 1
Links 12%
同頁連結 3
同資料夾不同網頁連結 3
外部相關網頁連結 3
E-mail 連結 3
列印導覽頁 5%