MLA Assignment

General Instructions:

         Deadline: March 26, 2010

         Email  your file to our class Gmail account

       please name them as "section_number_name_type" with underlines between each word.

       You can produce the document using Word, but please save it as “.docx

         Give me printouts (leave them in my mailbox) if you want feedback in writing.

         Points will be taken off for late assignments!


Please download the word file provided by the instructor for this assignment.

(1) Margin (1" for all sides)
(2) Cover page (layout)
(3) Personal Info. On the top of the outline page
(4) Last name& Page number
(5) No page number for cover page; use roman numeral for outline page; use Arabic numeral for content pages
(6) 1.5 Space
(7) Indent 0.5" for new paragraphs
(8) Identify and Indent 1" for block quotation
(9) Insert Page Break (for Works cited page)
(10) Indent for Works Cited
(11) Works Cited in alphabetical order
(12) Correct listing of works by the same author
(13) Add in Footnote
(14) Add in Endnote