Daphne's Class
Submitting Assignments
Faithfully comply with the rules and instructions below when you do your exercises. (NOTE: To make sure your instructors can read and correct your exercises on line, you should keep the directions in mind. Any failure in your part is not excused. If you don't understand any point in the directions, feel free to ask your instructors or the assistant.)
1. Always type and save your assignments/exercise answers in plain text; that is, your file's extension name should be .txt, not anything else. 
2. Always use Notepad to open a plain text file. You can find Notepad in the Start Menu. 
3. Always save your assignments/exercises to your own floppy disk and always run an anti-virus program to scan your floppy disk before submitting a diskette copy of your assignment to the instructor. 
4. To submit an assignment on line, click the Webclass button on the Home page of this course. After entering Webclass, you are required to enter your user name and password. Next, locate the exercise name and send in your plain text file. 
8. Late submission will automatically marked as late by the webclass system and will be reviewed only, not graded.
9. Besides submitting written assignments to Webclass, you are required to hand in both a hard copy and a diskette copy of each assignment on due date.
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[English Dept.] [Fu Jen University]