E X A M    F O R M A T

Midterm - - -

Review Questions:

1. Define linguistics. What reasons are there for studying linguistics?

2. In this course, why is the emphasis on speech (spoken language), rather than on writing?

3. What are the most important attributes of language? Explain each one.

4. Why is language in a dynamic equilibrium?

5. Explain, with an example, the pressure for language to BE CLEAR.

6. Explain, with an example, the pressure for language to BE QUICK AND EASY.

7. Explain, with an example, the pressure for language to BE PROCESSIBLE.

8. Explain, with an example, the pressure for language to BE EXPRESSIVE,

    a) semantically, and b) rhetorically.

9. Give, and explain, an example of how language changes in response to the four pressures.

10. Explain one-to-one mapping.


12. How do we know that children automatically use the learning strategy of paying attention to the ends of words?

13. How do we know that children expect to find elements of language which encode the relations among other elements of language?

14. How do we know that children are not expecting to find exceptions in grammar?

15. How do we know that children expect the use of grammatical markers to make sense?

16. Is listening comprehension a passive process? Explain.

17. When you listen and understand something, is everything that you understand actually in the speech that you hear? Explain.

18. Give a rough model of listening comprehension.

19. What are PROPOSITIONS?

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