Answer to the Cloze Test

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4


Chapter 1:  What Are We Talking About?

        1. in
        2. LISTED, give, explained, mentioned, discussed, presented
        3. were
        4. it
        5. of
        6. levels
        7. they
        8. not
        9. social
       10. is
       11. TERM, word
       12. THAT, which
       13. of
       14. AT, into
       15. COURSE, book, textbook, year, class
       16. MIND, psychology
       17. PHONOLOGY
       18. LANGUAGE, linguistic

 Chapter 2:  Pscholinguistics

        1. LANGUAGE, it
        2. AT, into
        3. has
        4. principles
        5. language
        6. competing
        7. keep
        8. BE, make
        9. THESE, the
       10. they
       11. principles
       12. children
       13. LEARNING, acquiring
       14. GENERAL, natural, mental
       15. the
       16. that
       17. and
       18. to
       19. and
       20. SEVERAL, many

Chapter 3: Sociolinguistics

         1. Is
         2. FUNCTIONS, purposes
         3. SEEN, shown, demonstrated
         4. Than
         5. FACTOR, element, thing
         6. Are
         7. FURTHERMORE, moreover, also
         8. identify
         9. in
        10. LOCATE, identify
        11. GEOGRAPHICAL, their
        12. for
        13. USE, have
        14. PART, knowledge
        15. CAN, may
        16. DIFFERENT, other
        17. them
        18. are
        19. them
        20. JUDGEMENTS, beliefs, ideas
        21. ROLES, role
        22. in
        23. leading
        24. and
        25. relfections
        26. society
        27. and
        28. THAT, how
        29. INFLUENCED, determined
        30. WHOLE, entire, complete
        31. that
        32. without
        33. giving
        34. of
        35. society

Chapter 4:  Phonetics and Phonology

         1. in
         2. vocal
         3. how
         4. in
         5. the
         6. TENSION, tenseness
         7. vocal
         8. attention
         9. ways
        10. a
        11. SOUND, phonetic
        12. stress
        13. and
        14. are
        15. a
        16. VARIOUS, the
        17. rules
        18. and
        19. PATTERNS, phenomena
        20. of
        21. LANGUAGE, languages
        22. of
        23. interacts
        24. LANGUAGE, linguistic, grammatical