
When you trace Delta Blues back to its origins, you go to Drew, Mississippi, the heart of the Delta. Delta Blues, as far as we can tell, begins with Charlie Patton. With Charlie were Louise Johnson, Willie Brown, Howlin' Wolf, Tommy Johnson, and Son House, all of which are considered contemporaries of Charlie Patton. From here, Son House took Robert Johnson under his wing, and soon took Robert out of his seemingly abusive home, and his work in the fields. From here, Robert continued his journeys playing through the Delta.
--It's from the Mudcat Cafe: a magazine dedicated to blues and folk songs.

… it is not just Johnson's incredible guitar playing or fantastically expressive singing which deserves homage. His lyrics, which are commonly considered as only context to his music, are actually rich, tightly wrought poems worthy of intense literary examination.
--It's from the site by Courtney Danforth and Adriana Rissetto.

In his book Searching for Robert Johnson Peter Guralnick explains, "The music (of Johnson) has significance. The act of creation was Robert Johnson's statement in a world that lacked consistent purpose or even the sense of cohesiveness, however misleading, that an era of sophisticated communication has supplied. It was a world in which Robert Johnson was suddenly elevated to significance by an act of creative will, by a synthesis of all he knew, of all he ever was to be."

***The background is a portrait of Johnson from The Blues Gallery designed by Ron Buck.