
"The early blues recording industry was heavily dependent on the constant influx of women's voices. One of the most renowned blues arists was Bessie Smith, also known by many as "The Empress."
from "Bessie Smith: The Empress of Blues," a detailed biography of Bessie Smith by Cindy Hanna
"Bessie Smith was the greatest and most influential classic blues singer of the 1920s. Her full-bodied blues delivery coupled with a remarkable self-assuredness that worked its way in and around most every note she sang, plus her sharp sense of phrasing, enabled her to influence virtally every female blues singer who followed."
from "Blueflame Cafe Archive" presenting a detailed biography of Bessie Smith
"Bessie Smith had a huge sweeping voice, capable of strength and tenderness, which she left behind on 160 recordings."
from the webpage "Bessie Smith" by Joel Snow at the siteˇ@
"Blues Online"
"Bessie Smith, a native of Chattanooga . . ."ˇ@
from a brief biography at the site hosted byˇ@
Chantanooga News Bureau

The Bessie Smith Hall at Chattanooga as a permanent Bessie Smith exhibit and also the Chattanooga African-American Museum

"Bessie started out as a street musician in Chattanooga."
from a brief biography at "Red Hot Jazz Archive"
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