Research Report Evaluation Criteria
Presentataion Places for Sophomores
[Basics] [Thesis] [Organization] [Research and Documentation]
[Writing Style and Grammar] [Summary] [Top]
1. Does the report include an outline and a list of works cited? 
2. Is the report itself (excluding outline, works cited, illustrations and diagrams) at least five pages long? 
Is the outline organized according to MLA standards (MLA Handbook, Sec. 1.8)? 
1. Does the outline contain a thesis statement?  What is it?
2. Does the report pursue this thesis or does it get distracted by some other thesis? 
3. Is the thesis narrow enough to be developed fully in a 5-8 page paper? 
1.  Identify the organizing principle of the outline (chronological, cause and effect, process, inductive or deductive logic, some combination of the above, or some other style of organization). 
2.  Does the report follow through with the organization of the outline? 
3.  Are all the points mentioned in the outline present in the report as well?
Research and Documentation
1.  Does the list of works cited contain at least five sources, three of which must be in English?  Are there at least two different kinds of sources (e.g., book, magazine article, journal article, newspaper article, online source, interview, etc.)  If not, what is missing? 
2.  Does the report and list of works cited conform to MLA style?  If not, what is incorrect (consult your MLA Handbook). 
3.  Does the research seem adequate to support the thesis?  If not, what information seems to be missing? 
Writing Style and Grammar
1. Comment on the grammar, sentence structure, and mechanics of writing.
2.  Is the report clear and readable?  If it isn't, identify the problems.
1. What did you find most interesting about the report? 
2. What did you learn?
3. Is there anything else you would suggest to improve the report?