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   This page is all about books in wuthering heights chapter 31~34.
   Do you know what does books really means?
Books can be decribed in two way in physical or in functional.
In physically it means : an assembly of leaves held together along one of four edges and protected on front and back with a cover of more durable matercial.
In functionally it means: a more or less coherent body of graphic communication assembled into one or several units for the purpose of systematic presentation and preservation of lastingly valuable material. It is this element of preservation, this retention of experiences, observations, and creative expressions of lasting value, that distinguishes the book from a variety of more transitory communication.
Books in chapter 31~ 34 play an important role.
At the end of the story Cathy & Hareton's love is the only evidence of happy love in the entire novel. And their love started with books. In the beginning of chapter 31. They have a little fight about books, Cathy is mad about Hareton hinding her books and she make fun of Hareton that he read the books wrongly. And this make Hareton sad. Cathy doesn't mean to make him sad so she did alot to make him happy again. She teach Hareton to read and this make him change. Nelly describes it " His honest, warm, and intelligent nature shook off rapidly the clouds of ignorance and degradation in which he had been bred." She adds:" His brightening mind brightened his features, and added spirit and nobility to their aspect."
Isn't Cathy a good teacher?
  As a part of Heathcliff's plan of revenge, he rears Hareton without education, degrading him in every way possible just as he himself had been degraded by Hindley. The boy is proud; he resents being illiterate and being taunted by Linton ans Cathy. His reactions are irrational, but understandable. At the end, when Cathy teach him how to read he have change. Mr. Lockwood, returning to Wuthering Heights after a long absence, descibes Hareton as " respectably dressed." his handsome features glowing with pleasure.
    The following essay is by Kim Rollins, she have mention the symphonic imagery of "books" in the novel:
     Hareton and Cathy are very different from all the characters that precede them. They alone
understand that books are not necessarily penalties for sin or elusions from life. Cathy
describes a stack of books as "all old friends . . . written on my brain and printed on my heart!"
[XXXI, 285] She implies that it is impossible to sustain an active imagination without the use
of books when she asks the illiterate Hareton, "Do you dream?" [XXXI, 295]
Cathy reads because she loves to read. She can recite numerous ballads by heart, and feels a
great loss when Heathcliff attempts to demoralize her by taking away her treasured volumes.
Books augment her real life. Her pursuit of reading is the pursuit of desire, and the struggle to
achieve one's desires is the only noble calling in Wuthering Heights. Hareton pursues his desire
through learning, as well, not only for its own sake but also to become on a level with Cathy,
for whom he yearns.
The act of reading is a "civilizing" one. When Nellie reads, it is with the idea of raising herself
beyond the level of a mere servant. (She boasts to Lockwood, "You could not open a book in
this library that I have not looked into, and got something out of also." [VII, 65]) Hareton's only
means of expressing himself are cursing and physical violence before Cathy instructs him with
books. However, the escape from animal sensibility is only desirable if it is a reaction to a
personal craving for learning; otherwise it is merely forcing others to rein in their own wants,
to deny their individual desires.
This conclusion is supported in that doing the opposite of what was done to Catherine --
forcibly restricting those who wish to learn from learning -- is held in just as low regard as
imposing an unwanted moral education on a child. Heathcliff procures a tutor for Linton but not
for Hareton (in fact, Heathcliff threatens to dash the curate's teeth down his throat should he try
to educate Hareton [XI, 110]), and this is not construed as malevolence toward the former but
the latter. Heathcliff remembers the pain of being cut off from knowledge as a child: "Continual
hard work . . . had extinguished any curiosity he once possessed in pursuit of knowledge, and
any love for books or learning. . . . He struggled long to keep up with Catherine in her studies,
and yielded with poignant though silent regret." [VIII, 70] He gleefully says of Hareton, "He'll
never be able to emerge from his bathos of coarseness and ignorance. I've got him faster than
his scoundrel of a father secured me, and lower; for he takes a pride in his brutishness." [XXI,
211] Heathcliff realizes that brutishness is terribly isolating, and the seeds of brutality lie in the
withholding of the pleasurable.
Cathy, with her schooling, emerges as a restrained version of her mother. She "could be soft
and mild as as dove; her anger was never furious, her love never fierce -- it was deep and
tender." [XVIII, 183] Catherine despised the tender-heartedness which the dove represents,
declaring that she could not sleep on a pillow that had been stuffed with one's feathers. Cathy
tries to love the weak Linton, and not for the same savage, selfish reasons that her mother tried
to tolerate her father. Young Cathy is a woman who could probably get along tolerably well in
society, because she is more civil, not having resisted her education. She gentles Hareton with
her books.