Scorns and animals                                                               by Wendy Weng
 In Wuthering Heights, scorn plays an important part in it to lead the atmosphere of this novel and also forms the characteristic of every character. So we can see every character has his or her individual way to show their scorns, and here are some example adapted from this novel.

1. Chapter 1. Page 6. Paragraph 20.
Not anxious to come in contact with their fangs, I sat still- but imagining they would scarcely understood tacit insults, unfortunately indulged in winking and making faces at the trio, and some turn of my physiognomy so irritated madam, that she suddenly broke into a fury, and leapt on my knees…I was constrained to demand, aloud, assistance from some of the household in reestablishing peace.

2.Chapter 1. Page 7. Paragraph 25.
Guests are so exceedingly flurried rare in this house that I and my dogs, I am willing to own, hardly know how to receive them.

3.Chapter 2. Page14. Paragraph 24.
No, no! a stranger is a stranger, be he rich or poor- it will not suit me to permit anyone the range of  the place while I am off guard.

4.Chapter 2. Page15. Paragraph 21.
Fortunately, the beasts seemed more bent on stretching their paws, and yawing and flourishing their tails, than devouring me alive; but they would suffer no resection…smacked of King Lear.

5.Chapter 3. Page 26. Paragraph 40.
"And you, you worthless-" he broke out as I entered, turning to his daughter in law, and employing an epithet as harmless as duck, or sheep, but generally represented by a dash.

6. Chapter 3. Page 24. Paragraph 28.
"And for me, too," I replied." I will walk in the yard till daylight. And then I'll be off; and you need not dread a repetition of my intrusion. I am quite now cured do seeking pleasure in society, be it country or town. A sensible man ought to find sufficient company in himself."

7.Chapter 11. Page 97. Paragraph 18.
"Fair means!" she said, in answer to her husband's look of angry surprise, " If you have not the courage to attack him, make an apology, or allow yourself to be beaten. I t will correct you of feigning more valour than you process…and I wish Heathcliff may flog you sick, for daring to think an evil thought of me!".

8.Chapter 11. Page 96. Paragraph 18.
"How is this?" said Linton, addressing her; "what notion of propriety must you have to remind here…you are habituated to his baseness, and, perhaps imagine I can get used to it too."

9.Chapter 4. Page 33. Paragraph 12.
"Off dog!"
"Take my colt, gypsy, then!: said young Earnshaw, " and I pary that it may break your neck…, you beggarly interloper!…, imp of Satan-And take that, I hope he will kick out your brains."

10.Chapter 13. Page 120. Paragraph 22.
" Here is a rahm," he said, at last flinging back a cranky board on hinges. " It is well enough tuh ate a few porridge in…if you are feared uh muckying yer grand silk, spread yer handkerchif ut t'
 top on it."

11.Chapter 21. Page184. Paragraph 21.
“He does not know his letters” he said to his cousin,” Could you believe in the existence of such a colossal dunce?”
“There is nothing the matter but laziness, is there, Earnshaw?” he said….There you experience the consequence of scorning “ book-larning” as you would say…” “ Have you notice, Catherine, his frightful Yorkshore pronunciation?
12. Chapter 21. Page184. Paragraph 25.
“If you were not more a lass than a lad, I will feel thee this minute, I would pitiful lath of a crater.”

Heathcliff: Usually, the scorn that Heathcliff used to show his anger is very direct and is without any hesitation. Sometimes, we can see in many places that Heathcliff is exactly like the dogs he rose- so wild and fierce, and the image of animals are used to show his scorns; dogs are in particular commonly mentioned. It is said that Emily Bronte's dogs are quite wild and fierce, so deeply in her mind, dogs are all the same with what she saw, so in this novel, dogs are the symbol of mean animals and are used to show their scorn. We can see how Heathcliff show his scorns and anger in ex.4.5, and how dogs are used to be a symbol of despise in ex.1.2.3.

Lockwood: As for Lockwood himself, he is kind of well-educated person, so he let out his scorn in a more polite way indirectly and used dirty words seldom. If he were not oppressed too much, he will not easily release his anger in appearance. In ex.6 Lockwood seems to say that the Heathcliff family are not good enough to be company with, but he did not say it directly.

Catherine: Having part of wild personality, what Catherine said is still quite impolite and is somewhat like Heathcliff and never concern about other's feeling. In ex.7, we can see clearly how she said toward Edgar's weakness.

Edgar: Most of the time, Edgar took a passive attitude toward what he faced, unless he was deeply irritated. W e can see in ex.7 that being offended by Heathcliff, Edgar use his higher position and knowledge to beat him and in fact, it is the only thing he can beat Heathcliff, so he often use it to be his scorn.

Hindley: Because he considered Heathcliff took out most of his father's love, he hated him very much, and he used many bad words to look down on Heathcliff's background. We can see this in ex.9.

Joseph: As a loyal servant, he followed his master, and did harm to Isabella and show no respect to her. He usually scorned others by treating them bad, and we can see this in ex.10.

Linton: Apparently in ex.11, we can see Linton regard a person without knowledge is very low and useless, so he put emphasis on education. The way he used to express his scorn is similar to Edgar’s.

Hareton: He was physically much stronger than Linton, so oppositely to Linton, he put stress on his own strength and thought of Linton as a weak, little chicken. In ex.11, we can see his scorn.