
課程簡介 閱讀書目 具體執行成果


一、 計畫內容簡介:(課程部份請見附件ㄧ、課程簡介、大綱、書目)

由於本人在去年二月提出計畫申請之後,發現今年英文系並沒有要我教「大三英文作文與會話」,但明、後年會教.因此,今年的計畫內容有變更﹔改為大三英文(1): 建構作文與會話與資料庫; 研究主題為:

1. 根據既定方向,充實教大三作文與會話可以用到的的動畫與網路教材,
2. 整體充實線上作文會話資料庫,以儲備大學英語教學多元的作文會話教材,
3. 建構線上寫作室﹐並研究遠距寫作教學的功能與可能性


        繼續建構作文會話資料庫︰內容包括 ── II.建構線上寫作室,提供互動教材,藉由線上小老師和英文筆記本兩個活動提高學生自發學習英文的能力.
1. 進度:


1) 努力克服技術困難:藉著與校內資工系老師和研究生的合作、自己和助理一起上課學習等等方式﹐技術上的問題大致都可以克服.但是限於經費有限﹐所設置的留言板和線上考題製作界面﹐都很簡單.而新購置的一些製作互動網頁製作軟體還需要時間才得以駕輕就熟.

2) 重新思考使用網路教學「作文與會話」的如何並用遠距和教室教學、兼具完整規劃和機動性:今年由於在本計畫小組內和一些老師討論﹐本人開始重新思考上述兩個問題.「作文與會話」一課本來就是一個以活動、練習為主的課﹐老師身為coach, 要謹慎設計練習時程﹐也要懂得如何引領學生利用網路上和生活周圍豐富的資源.因此﹐一開始完善的設計和因應學生不同的機動改變﹐是很重要的.有完整又具機動性的教學﹐網路上和教室中的多元教學法才能夠充分利用.當然這些問題不是我現在紙上談兵﹐就可以有解答的.一年好好思考﹐明年可以有個更有準備的教案!

3) 提昇學生自發學習和管理資訊的能力:這是我今年努力和研究的新重點.以前教作文會話時﹐我只有教學生利用同儕學習和自我評鑑來提高學習的自發和自覺性.但是﹐今年我在和小組老師們、或和校內的其他資管科系老師討論﹐獲得更多語言學、教學理論和知識管理的知識﹐明年教學時必然會在這些方面努力增加學生的自覺性.同時﹐我藉著今年試辦線上寫作室﹐也可以依此為參考﹐設計學生主動到外面找學習對象.

3. 學習成效評估及具體執行成果:




1. 提高社會關切與訓練批判力:每學期選取一至二個中心議題﹐以各種活動來使同學對此議題有較深刻的思考。隨時在帶入時事討論﹐鼓勵同學關切社會並將語言與生活結合﹔
2. 訓練研究論文寫作:包括選題目、找資料、發展主要論點、組織文章、引用文章等訓練。
3. 演說和自我呈現訓練:包括(上學期)辯論、小組報告和(下學期)發表論文、求職文件的準備和面談應對﹔
4. 啟發自覺性:教學法──以學生(學習)為中心(Learning-Centered Approach)﹐不重老師講課(lecture)﹔藉著多重寫作和寫作日誌﹐達成同學寫作的獨立自覺性﹔
5. 建立寫作社團﹐鼓勵合作:以寫作過程為重(Process Approach)﹐訓練同學自我改正的能力。藉著同學小組討論修改文章(peer-editing)﹐合作寫作(cooperative writing)等方法﹐使同學有合作觀念﹐也不斷意識到寫作對象和脈絡(audience and context)的重要性。

 4, 5 點的共同目的是在使同學在將來沒有作文課(和老師)時﹐懂得如何找學習的對象﹐和由朋友的建議中學習。

1. 本課程清楚標明教學法﹐使同學以學生的身分去實踐和體驗教學法﹐並思考其他教學法的可行性。
2. 本課以網路為教室和教材﹐促使同學主動在網路上學習。
3. 每年以一種多媒體教材為主﹐其他多媒體教材為輔﹐使同學更懂得如何運用多媒體教材。


重點:internet & animation
 I.a. Narrative--
Topic: Today's Children and Your Childhood
b. Research; a topic & a tentative thesis

i. Introduction: the course, internet & animation   ii. Chatting: "Where" are you from?  Where" can we visit together in the world of internet ? iii. Website Visit 1
iv. animation: "Sound Collector"  Focused Free Writing: Sondra Perl Guidelines
v. Point of view-- animation: "Cosmic Zoom";vi. Website Visit  2
vii. On-Focus: Everything about your childhood.  Bring pictures with you if possible. defining your research paper topic
viii. Reading, sharing and responding: read two short stories and your partner's story for  their thesis and concrete details
ix. News Square (1): Today's Children
II. Analysis of a text  Topic: The Fast-Changing Society
b. Research paper; doing research in the library and on internet

i. Website Visit  3: Get the texts online!
ii. animation: "Charles and Francois"  Analysis of Connotation and Denotation, literal and symbolic meanings
iii. Analysis of Form and Content with examples of Commercials, Ads and a hypertext poem.
iv. Website Visit  4: Current Affairsv. Current Affair Discussion Free discussion:  sharing our research and internet experiences
vi. topic sentence, paragraph, outlining: a review Sharing and responding vii. Website Visit  5: respond to at least 3 of our research paper topics on our message board
viii. Role Play: Putting Up an ad yourselves
ix. copy editting  decide on a group topicx. Website Visit  6: English Chatroom--2nd visit

III.  a. Analysis of an event or a phenomenon --group project;
b. Research paper; the first draft

i. Group discussion and collection of evidence. possible event analysis topics animation: "What a Nice Day" or another one that is relevant to your topics ii. Website Visit  7: online writing Lab
iii. Group discussion outside of class  individual conferences
iv. Conversation: Talk Show?
v. putting the drafts together and re-shaping ideas
vi. Conversation: Interview
vii. final revision
viii. group report

IV. Argumentation--logical and effective persuasion
b. Research paper; re-thinking the scope and thesis
i. brain storming -- how to be persuasive? ii. Video: Other people's money
iii. group discussion
iv. debate (prepared)
v. debate (spontaneous)
vi. individual conferences
vii. composition conclusion
viii. Talent show
ix. Final Exam

重點:internet & animation
I. a. Description: Describing an object or a person
b. Research paper: 2nd draft
1. image game; visualizing your object  animation: "Carried Away"
2. Practicing the use of the webclass and music files  3. describing a person you know
4. event/mood description
5. Website visit 1 -- Conversation: Current Educational issues and useful educational websites
6. Reading, sharing and responding --making your description concrete and suggestive
? Grammar check

 .II. a. Resume, application letter and/or personal statement
b. research paper: presentation practice and final revision

1. Resume, application letter
2. Free discussion: How do I choose my future direction? How do I work for it?
3. Individual conferences
4. Mini-Conference (MC-1); [Choosing your object of observation]
5. Statement of purpose for school application
6. (MC- 2) --discuss the results of your observation & find out a tentative thesis
7. Job interview

III. a Observation Analysis: A. entertainment: a museum exhibit, a school event, a park's morning activities, a shopping center, a pub, etc.  B. job: a certain job (a DJ, a PR, an assistant's day in the office), an educational center, etc.
1. (MC- 3)
2. Newspaper or html editing;
3. Group work: Editing and Analysis
4. Situational Conversation--simulating the environment of the group's object of Observation
5. Group work: Designing & Illustration
6.  (MC- 4)
7.    Grammar: Frequently-made Errors
8. (MC- 5)
9.    A 15-min report on the result of your observation ; facing challenges

IV. Junior Student Research Paper Conference --2 weeks


III. 閱讀書目  本課沒有固定的教課書﹔儘量提供線上教材。除了自己製作的教材之外﹐常常要學生使用的網站有:

LinguaCenter  http://deil.lang.uiuc.edu/index2.html
Purdue University's On-Line Writing Lab  http://owl.english.purdue.edu/
ESL Cafe http://www.eslcafe.com/
English Grammar Pages  http://web.jet.es/jrevusky/esl.html
Roget's Thesaurus of English words and phrases  http://www.thesaurus.com/



Process Approach and Learning-Centered Approach

ESL and Internet


1. 英文百寶箱網站  首頁
2. 作文、會話題目首頁(共一頁)
3. 作文講義樣本(共三頁)
4. 會話講義樣本(共兩頁)
5. 短片長說︰動畫短片與英文語文、文學教學(首頁與教學法樣本共十四頁)
