兒童語言學習 期中報告
FALL 1999
Thomas Nash 那湯姆  (劉紀雯譯)


學習成效評估 具備執行成果




This course utilized students' multiple intelligences through the involvement of group and individual learning, all the modalities of language and different language varieties, different modes of perception (visual, auditory, and kinesthetic/tactile), and engagement of both the intellect and the emotions.




 Individual learning involved reading the textbook, note-taking, review, performance on two exams, and individual accessing of the website.  Learning in a large group occurred in the classroom through lectures, with questions and comments from individual students in the large-group context, as well as group discussions with reports to the whole class on each group’s conclusions.  Small-group learning took place in the child observation groups (3 to 6 students), involving coordination of the observation times, division of labor, conducting the actual observations, discussion, and cooperative writing of the observation report.


本課的學生必須讀、聽、說、寫英文,並懂得同時和接續地運用這些語言模式.讀 - 包括閱讀教科書(英文難度頗高)和過去學生的報告(在網路上發表).

  1. 聽 - 聽的對象很多︰有課上的老師講課、課堂討論、小組報告,有觀察活動中大人與小孩的語言,觀察活動的錄音、觀察後的小組討論、還有網路上兒童語言的錄音檔案.
  2. 說 -課上包括提出問題和自己的看法、加入討論和作報告﹔課外包括觀察活動的小組討論和在觀察活動時與對象交談.
  3. 寫 - 包括做閱讀和聽講筆記、隨堂考(有時間限制的寫作)、課外考試(有較少時間限制、較多寫作資源),集體寫作觀察報告(必須運用書本和課上學習到的觀念在實際觀察上,以獲得合理的結論).





 For the course students needed to read, listen, speak, and write, as well as make consecutive, linked use of all these language modalities.  The main texts for reading were the textbook (difficult reading in English) and the sample observation reports on the website (written by past students).  Many types of listening were required, including listening to lectures, to in-class discussions, to observation group discussions, to the child and adult language which occurred during observations, to the students’ recordings of language from observations, to the one sample recording on the website, and to oral reports in class.  Students had to speak in class to ask questions, give comments, take part in discussions, and give oral reports; outside of class they had to speak during their observation group discussions and during observations.  Writing tasks included note-taking for reading and lectures; an in-class exam (writing under time pressure); a take-home exam (writing with less time pressure and more access to sources); and a cooperatively written observation report, in which students had to bring together information and concepts from the textbook, lectures, and their own observations.

 Use of different language modalities was interactive.  For instance, reading the textbook was followed by listening to a lecture and taking notes on it, which was followed by exam and report writing.  Observations of child language were followed by discussions, with checking of the textbook for relevant concepts, leading to the writing of reports.  Tape recordings of observations had to be very carefully listened to in the process of transcribing them.  The transcriptions then had to be read and analyzed.

 The course was conducted in English, and the textbook (in English) offered examples mostly related to English, but the professor also offered data on bilingual Mandarin/English acquisition (in class and on the website), and the students’ observations were of children acquiring Mandarin and Taiwanese.  In their reports, then, they had to write in English about the acquisition of Mandarin and Taiwanese.  Observation group discussions outside of class were mainly in Mandarin.


視覺認知 -運用在閱讀、觀察兒童語言(尤其是語言和兒童的手勢和當時情境的關係)、看兒童在網路上的照片、看觀察錄影帶等方面都有運用到學生的視覺認知.

聽覺認知 -運用在聽講、聽討論、聽觀察中的兒童與大人語言和聽網路錄音檔案.
觸覺/肌肉認知 -觀察活動中,運用在學生到兒童家(三次)、操作觀察機器(相機、攝影機和錄音機),尤其是和兒童玩﹔觀察報告中,運用在角色演練(學生扮演家長、兒童和觀察者)和機器(如投影機、錄影機和錄音機等)使用上﹔個人利用電腦網路學習(使用滑鼠和鍵盤),當然,也牽涉到觸覺/肌肉認知.
 本課的內容更提供一些運用觸覺/肌肉學習的特殊機會.在兒童語言中,可識別的字的前身是「感官運動字元」(“sensori-motor morphemes.”)──也就是兒童會不斷地結合某個聲音和動作來表達一個字或意念﹔比如︰兒童手伸出來同時發出「ㄥˋ、ㄥˋ」的聲音,在一些情況下可能意味「給我」.此外,在學習兒童語言的課上,我們常須畫兒童語句結構的樹狀圖,然後再作分析.課本提出了兒童語言學習模式解析圖,然後在課堂上和課外考試中,學生自己必須學習重畫解析圖.還有,學生在報告中會畫出兒童的手勢、作表格和圖表來解釋他們的觀查結果和結論.還有一組同學畫出觀察兒童的家的室內格局,來解釋此兒童的學習情境,以及標示他們記錄的兒童聲音的發生所在.


 Visual perception was utilized by students in reading; in conducting observations of child language, especially with regard to children's gestures and to taking note of the complete context; in looking at children's photos on the website; and in making and watching videotapes of observations.  Listening to lectures, discussions, child and adult language in observations, audio recordings of observations, and the sample recording on the website involved auditory perception.  The child observations allowed for learning through kinesthetic/tactile perception in making the field trip to the children's homes (three times over the course of the semester), operation of observation equipment (still and video cameras; tape recorders), and, most especially, playing with the child.  In their oral reports several groups made use of role play, with one student taking the part of the child, and others acting the parts of adults and observers.  They also used audio-visual equipment such as overhead projectors, video projectors, and tape recorders.  Operation of the keyboard and mouse of a personal computer to access the website is also kinesthetic/tactile, of course.

 The course content itself provided special opportunities for kinesthetic/tactile learning.  One precursor to recognizable words in children’s speech is known as "sensori-motor morphemes." This term refers to a child's consistent combination of a gesture with a speech sound in a form which functions like a word or expression, such as reaching and uttering "oh oh" in contexts where this seems to mean "give me that."  In the process of studying children's acquisition of advanced syntax, there was occasion for the class to draw and analyze syntactic tree structures.  The textbook author offered a diagrammed model of children's language acquisition, and both the lecture and the take-home exam offered opportunities to redraw her model.  Some students made drawings of children's gestures, as well as drawing tables and charts in their reports.  One group drew a map of the interior of their child's house, in order to take into account the whole context of their observations, as well as to provide a visual key to their audio transcriptions.






 All university courses, we hope, engage the intellect of a student in following examples, grasping new concepts, and analyzing data of various types.  Child Language provided students the opportunity to apply and expand their knowledge of basic linguistics, and to learn something more about child development and human communication.  They also could improve their English skills through reading, listening, speaking, and writing (and translating) about sometimes quite difficult content material.  They also could observe important similarities and differences between English and Mandarin through the similarities and differences we found in their acquisition.

In this course, the focus on children provided a natural connection to the students' emotions, since most students like children.  The collection of children's photos on the website, though of no special analytical value, served to attract students’ attention and arouse their emotions.  In the child observations, especially, students got to play with children, and also had to interact politely and effectively with their family members.  Photos of children observed during Fall 99 will be added to the photo collection.  There was the additional task of working with their group members and dealing with difficulties, such as what to do after the first observation when the child didn't talk at all.  All of the groups commented in their reports on the positive experience of observing and interacting with a child.

There was also opportunity for the intellect and the emotions to be engaged simultaneously, as when, for example, on the in-class exam many students had to face the fact of their weaknesses in background knowledge and understanding of phonology.  The professor, of course, also had to face this fact.  Few students could adequately answer a test item requiring the identification and explanation of early patterns of pronunciation.  The test item in question was given again to the class as a take-home exercise, with most students improving their grasp of basic phonology in this way.



 此外,由於本課要求學生自己蒐集和分析兒童語言資料,學生在實際操作之前需要更多分析資料的練習.我已經在課程網頁上提供了一些兒童語言例子供他們練習,但是我還可以提供更多錄音和記錄下的例子,引導他們作更多練習.舉例來說,學生報告時不知道如何解釋觀察的兒童會說“爸爸錢錢”和“爸爸的,” 卻不會說“爸爸的錢錢.”  我會繼續在網路上提供這些可供分析的例子,而且提供一些錄影檔案.


 Many students found the textbook quite difficult.  It had been used before with this course, but there seemed to be more complaints this time.  One problem is that the textbook presents an accurate picture of the state of knowledge concerning child language, that is, that for many questions there is conflicting evidence, and even where there is not, there are competing explanations.  This fact about the textbook was explained in class, but for students just beginning serious study of child language acquisition, the lack of very clear conclusions can be confusing and frustrating.  Additionally, the book was not intended for foreign learners of English and some parts of it can be quite difficult reading.  The search for a textbook more accessible to our students will continue.

 Since in this course students have to collect and analyze child language data, they need more practice working with real data before they attempt their own.  Some data is provided on the website, but more transcription samples, sample audio recordings to be transcribed, and data to practice analysis on, could be put up.  To take a fairly simple example, students in their reports had trouble discussing what we can tell about a child’s language at a certain stage when she is observed to say “爸爸錢錢” and “爸爸的,” but never “爸爸的錢錢.”  Work on the website will proceed in this direction, and will also try to include one or two short video segments.



1. 課程首頁
2. 課程講義──
3. 導讀問題範例、隨堂講義、觀察報告首頁範例、
4. 兒童語言錄音和抄錄
5. 兒童照片



 Please see the Child Language course website at www.eng.fju.edu.tw/iacd_99F/child_language/CLtomhome.htm.

Linked under this homepage (hard copy attached) are sections titled