Trip to Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2006

Date: March 26 ~ April 3, 2006

Members: Dr. Yun-Pi Yuan (Chair), Ms. Belen Sy, Eunice Liao (Freshmen), Frances Chen (Junior), Lenny Chen (Junior), Julie Chou (Junior), Rita Fang (Junior), Judy Huang (Junior), Ignecia Lin (Junior), May Lin (Junior), Cindy Liu (Junior), Veronica Ni (Junior), Grace Liu (Senior)

Beijing Foreign Studies University

Activity Album

Students' responses:

The Experience and Reflection in Beijing

I have been to Beijing to study in Beijing Foreign Studies University for about ten days, and during these days, I have found out that there were many differences between us. The differences could be sorted into three parts: the department’s administration, the teaching method, and the students. 

First, I would like to talk about the administration of English department in BFSU, Beijing Foreign Studies University. In BFSU, the English department is subordinated to English college. Under English college, it has English department, journalism and communication department, diplomacy department and department of law. And under the English department, it has four minors: oral interpretation, written interpretation, literature, and one minor that studies international culture. In addition, students in BFSU can not minor in other fields. They can only master what they are major in. Although they can double-major, the departments they can choose from are limited. For example, the English major can only double-major in some English-related departments. The situation is different from our university, FJU. In FJU, the English department is under the College of Foreign Literatures & Languages. In addition, we do not have minors under our department. Moreover, we can minor or major in whatever department we like. Compare with the two colleges, I think that BESU put more emphasis on sorting our students according to different ability; however, FJU make students have more freedom to study what they are interested in. 

Second, I would like to compare the teaching situation in the two English departments. In Beijing, I have experienced different learning atmosphere and methods by taking different courses. For instance, I have taken some skill courses, which are like our CC class, such as interpretation, written translation, listening translation, and intensive reading. Other selective courses are like American social and culture, English journalism, and British literature. After taking these courses, I found out that there were some different situations between us. 

In my opinion, about their skill courses, they put more emphasis on training students in order to make them capable of mastering the skill. Take written translation course as an example, after lecture, the teacher would use some English articles or even formal official articles for students to practice translating them into Chinese. Then, after students translate them into Chinese, the teacher would make some common and make students to revise their interpretation. During the whole class, two hours, they do the same things through out the class. This would definitely make students be familiar with the skill of interpretation; however, to me, it seems too repetitive and bored. Take the listening interpretation as another example, in the two hours, the teacher keeps broadcasting the tape for students to listen to and then ask the students to translate them into Chinese. Again, after translation, the teacher would give some commons and then keep practicing listening interpretation. For me, I feel like a high school student because the teaching way is resemble the way taught in high school. The teacher gave a lot of practice to students. Unlike the situation in FJU, the teachers just mention about the main point and then the students have to figure out the problem and practice themselves. Moreover, In BEFU, , I always feel interested in the first-hour class for I do not have resemble class in FJU; nevertheless, in the second hour, I become to feel bored because the teaching way is fixed and seems to be endless. The skill courses in BEFU are like CC class in FJU. However, I think that perhaps we have combine more topics in our CC class rather than sorting those topics into single courses so that our teaching way has more variations and alterations. For example, when teaching about job interview, we really hold an imitative job interview for students to practice. Hence, students would not feel bored easily when taking CC class. Nevertheless, I have to admit that, generous speaking, the ability of BEFU students is better than us in FJU. The foundation of their English skill such as listening and speaking are really better than us. Maybe, to have a better basis of English skill, using the boring way to study would be a better way. 

Except for the system and the course, I had also known more about the students in Beijing. In fact, before I went to Beijing, I was very afraid that if I could not compete with them at all. Although I knew that I still had much more room to improve, I was not as worry as before. The reason was that when taking course in Beijing, I found out that some of them were just like students in Taiwan. They would nod their head during the class, remain silent when the teacher was asking some responses, skip class when it is necessary…etc. They were not really different with us. However, they did have something that we students in Taiwan can learn from them. One was that they were sincere and responsible for every assignment. According to the interview we did in Beijing, they would use at least three or four days to prepare a presentation in class. They would digest the content first, and then do the research. Next, they would do the power point file if it was necessary and write down the script of what they were going to say. Finally, they would memorize the script until they could say it fluently. From the process of doing an assignment, I suddenly realized that how a lazy student I was. I should really do some adjustment on my attitude toward my studies. And the other thing that worth to learn was that they were diligent and active in studying. I remembered one day after they accompanied us to take a look at some historical relics, they still hurried to the library to study even though there was no test on the other day. If I were them, I would go back to the dorm to sleep rather than studying. And this showed that I was not diligent enough as well.

After getting along with the students there, I have found that we are actually the same in the physical and psychological part, and the only difference is the attitude toward learning. If I could spend more time studying and improve myself actively, I believe I could compete with them in the future. Joining this trip does not help me improve my English ability for we have only taken a week of courses, but it does help me introspect myself in my study. When I am lazy and do not want to catch up my delayed assignment, I would think of the students in Beijing. In this way, I have the motivation to finish my homework. I hope I could do better and better in my studies later, and I hope that the other students who have also joined this trip would make some differences on themselves as well so that we could proudly say to the people in the world that we are Taiwanese and we are not inferior to students in China.

Judy Huang

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The Reflection of a Trip to Beijing

When I knew that the English department would hold a study trip to Beijing, I decided to visit Beijing, the ancient capital which is the embodiment of preserved heritage and modern development. When on the way to Beijing, while I was excited to be approaching Beijing, I was afraid because Beijing was such a mysterious place to me. After landing, this unnecessary fear faded away because the mild weather made me calm down. I felt extraordinary excited. Every scene I saw was so unreal. The people I met here looked similar to me, but there were something different, enormous different that I wanted to find out. And that was the primary reason I went to Beijing. In this ten-day trip, I was astonished to see, to experience, and to involve in the “real Beijing life”. The classes I attended, the people I contacted, and every new thing I experienced were so unique that I surely would never forget this unforgettable journey. I learned, and earned back a lot.

I. The classes I attend

Our destination is Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU). It is considered one of the best foreign languages institutes in China. BFSU is famous for its prestigious faculty and staff, and its excellent and competitive students. Before I go to BFSU, I am told that BFSU students’ command of English is outstanding. They are the top of the tops in China. It is true. Having studied with them for several courses in the same classroom, I realize why they can be that exceptionally good. Their secret to master English is not difficult to unveil but is difficult to carry on. Their key to success: study, study hard, and study whenever there is a time.

In BFSU, I attend quite a few interesting courses, such as interpretation, American History, English speaking, translation, and the like. Attending in these classes, I am more like an observer than a participant (actually, I do participate in English speaking). I observe the students, and the teaching materials and methods carefully because I am eager to see the so-called hard-working attitude of Chinese students with my own eyes. As an observer, I see some things which are different to the Taiwanese students, in terms of their learning attitude, and the viewpoint of the value of the things. The differences lie in that 1) the majority of them consider teachers the authorities, 2) being able to be educated is a blessing, and 3) the society is so competitive that one must struggle and strive to get a good grade.

In class, first, I find students pay their full attention to teachers’ lecturing. Almost all of them are very concentrated. The teachers are giving lecturing by showing them power point slides. I am very surprised to see that the teachers, both the young and old ones, are using computer-assisted aids when teaching. Hardly do they write things on the blackboard. They all prepare their own slides. The students are accustomed of using visual and audio aids when giving presentation. Some of the students even bring their laptop to class to document things they want to. Clearly, it is consequences of China’s economic growth. That is, in fact, many of them are afford to buy high-tech products. In classroom, teachers are the authorities. What they say will be considered perfectly right. Although students are encouraged to give their own opinions by some young and active teachers, teachers’ opinions and conclusion will be believed as the most right one with no doubt. After the class, the teachers will leave immediately. Some students tell me that the teachers are “far away” from them. There is an invisible gap between teachers and students. Hence, teachers are not close friends. Teachers are authorities and they do not have personal contact with students after class. In class, second, I find students are counting their blessings for being able to be educated. In china, some people are very rich due to the economic miracles, but some don’t. There is an extreme disparity between the rich and the poor. The students I meet, some are from rich family, but some are from middle class family. For those who are able to get the advance education, they are thankful because the tuition and fee is quite high in China. In order to go to the University, their family may spend a fortune to support them to be educated. Therefore, the students I encounter, especially those from bourgeoisie study very hard. Finally, in class, I find students are very active and always be ready and willing to answer the questions the teachers raise. A student tells me that she hopes to study abroad after graduation. To realize her dreams, she must study hard now to get a high GPA since other students are very competitive. One time, I go to visit the school libraries. It is just 8 o’clock in the morning. But to my surprise, the eight reading rooms are filled with people. They bury their head in books. What amazing! I really admire the way they cope with their studies. 

II. The general reflection

This ten-day journey to Beijing truly broadens my view of China, and the world. As far as I am concerned, I have heard many negative stories about the dark side of China society: the foods are dirty, the products are lousy, and the people are cunning. But actually, they are not true. Putting aside the political issues, I think the people are nice and friendly. The foods actually are very delicious; one can try different kinds of traditional Chinese cuisines, such as Szechwan and Zhejiang styles. I personally prefer Szechwan cuisine because it is hot and spicy and tasty. The products here are not lousy, but because of the appearance and name of the products, we may consider it lousy. For example, in Taiwan, we translate “yogurt” into優若乳, but in China, they call it “酸奶”, which to me, sounds quite disgusting at first. But after trying it, I find it not only good in taste but also cheap in price. In our point of view, we may think their translation of the exotic words is strange and ridiculous, but it is just their way of saying that. The only difference lies in the lexical items, other than that, I do not think all of their products lousy. Finally, because China is peopled with 13 million people, they have to work hard to stand their own two feet in the competitive society. So, they will try hard to succeed and to win over others. The way the lead their life may appear to be a little aggressive, but it is human nature. They just want to strive and survive. 

To conclude, the journey to Beijing is so impressive and informative that I would never forget it. From the bottom of my heart, I would very happy to say this journey to Beijing is a gold-digging journey. I go there to find “gold” which brings me the wealth of spirit and knowledge, and I feel wealthy now. In class, I witness the hard-working attitude of students, which stimulates me to work hard as they do. They are my modal. They make me know there is no quick path to success; to succeed, it takes time and efforts. After the class, I go out with the local students. We talk over many current issues. Communicating with them, I get to know their outlook of the life. By sharing different opinions, we understand one another more. That is the real communication, and I really take great pleasure in that. It is the wonderful journey. I am glad I made a right decision to visit Beijing!

Eunice Liao

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星期三「英國文學」或許是跟我們系的英文國學史授課方法最相似的一門課。那天講到Wordsworth,老師首先在白板上介紹Wordsworth生平,其後再使用WORD講解文章內容。奇妙的是,都已經在有良好設備的網路教室了,為何捨PowerPoint而用白板呢?(寫白板沒開燈,字也不是很大,坐在後排的同學其實根本看不見耶) 從這點看來,在教具輔助教學應用上,是有待加強的。老師較少帶著同學逐字句地看文本,而是利用同學報告及提問時提出重點。如果事先沒有做預習的話,是絕對沒有辦法馬上了解老師所講的重點的。由同學的提問中可看出,他們都已經預習並且統整過了。相形之下,我上課前最多瀏覽一遍記些摘要,要說自己預先思考甚至批判就幾乎是沒有了,慚愧呀!




Julie Chou

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Beijing Report

From the tip to Beijing, not only do I cultivate the international perspective, but also experience a different flavor of school life which seems alike mine, however, with totally different way of learning. Besides, the most beneficial thing I acquired from this trip is to know how indifferent I am toward this world and my lack of international perspective.

One mere week course is not enough to put any judgment on their courses system. But truly, I find out some differences spontaneously. Because Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFU) has close relationship with Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the courses are designed perfectly for future career and are prone to be effective as well. It is good to learn the skills which the students can apply into the work for the future, but it makes me feel a little bit utilitarian. Because no matter what courses I took there, they are all toward the only goal: cultivating themselves as professional in order to compete within the society. 

Difference foci could be told from presentations. The student in American History course did a perfect presentation. With delicate power point, she speaks English fluently and her content is well- organized. However, she gave a presentation with the script which she had prepared in advanced. With script, they perform professionally. In our department, students are not allowed to bring script during presentation to practice how to speak with a note instead of memorizing whole speech. 

Not every course in Fu-Jen University is aimed to train students in a specific field in future career. Some of the courses are really helpful for living. But more important, we learned ourselves or even our life through those courses which look not important such as Practical Ethics. We emphasize more on “human”. Both in the literature class, the students in Taiwan are lead to scrutinize each character’s personalities and are asked to experience their feeling in their position at that age of the book. We learn the life better through literature work. However, the students in Beijing are guided to survey the literature work from the outer perspective. For example, they would talk more about the backgrounds of the work on a certain ages from the book. They read literature from outer space, and we study it from inner world of the characters. 

Within the competitive nature in their society, students remind themselves to study all the time. They study hard because they realize they might be kicked out easily if they perform inferior. The influence between the classmates for them is to alarm each other to study hard. However, in Taiwan, friends often gather together for pleasure. Students in Beijing quite understand how difficult they will be if they are not better than other people. Therefore, they study much harder than we do in Taiwan. 

As the other experience in Beijing, I would like to say that it is an unprecedented experience staying under Communism. I have heard that they do not have freedom to talk about many issues such as politics. However, this is first time do I comprehend the power of information blocking. Most of students know a lot about cross-straight politics, but do not know many about our lives. First few days in Beijing, after Beijing students talks with us, they told us we speak Mandarin pretty well because they consider us speaking Taiwanese. Talking about the famous visiting spot in Taiwan such as 101 building, I am shocked that they do not know about it. They are curious more about our opinions on politics instead of our lives. That is really different from us. In Taiwan, most students have no interest in getting involved in politics. However, students in China have no right to participate politics. 

I think the gap between rich and poor is severe because compare to the common people and students in BFU. They are quite different in behavior. Lots of people split on the streets and they do not close the door when using the restrooms. Therefore, I think the gap between poor and rich is huge and in this trip, I do not have opportunity to experience how huge it is. 

Students there are really nice. I feel their hospitality in bones. And we feel familiar especially speaking the same language. They are all from various provinces in Mainland China. They are open-hearted and I could tell their sincerity by taking us around the whole city help us answer the questions we are asking. The last night in the party, we all felt sad to leave. That is really odd that we seem so alike but also so many differences between us.

From chatting with Beijing students, I was keenly impressed by their international view. People consider that Taiwanese students lack international perspective and the awareness of international issues. At first, I do not care about it because I think it does not matter. However, comparing to Chinese students, their talkativeness and confidence are from the international information acquiring. International perspective acquires people look the whole world from a neutral view point, understanding different culture without bias. From this trip, Beijing students pay more attention on international issues and news than we do. Although in their country, the government would block some adverse news or opinions from other sides, the students still try to dig out the truth or various points of view as possible. On the contrary, we here have all the freedom to know whatever we want but we do not hold the chance to know more. Mass media in Taiwan own entire freedom to report or publish any information but most of the journalism failed to apply to profession in providing people real and good quality news. Both of Chinese students and Taiwanese students are lack of international perspective. For Chinese students, plenty of information are blocked by the government. For Taiwanese students, we show indifferent attitude toward the world. In this case, actually, we Taiwanese students could have performed better because of our advantages, information freedom. Shortage of international perspective leads our place being marginalized. 

In general, the opportunity to Beijing is precious. Not only did I visit their rich Chinese culture, but also eat lots of delicacy. Furthermore, this trip makes me to survey myself what strength and weakness I own by comparing with others. 

Ignecia Lin

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Reflection of Journey to 北外

Mon. 批評理論和文化 學生有30~40位,沒有分組,由外籍老師授課,老師將準備的兩篇texts並列在word檔,投影在白幕上,然後要同學找出這兩篇共同的pattern,花了很久的時間才有幾位同學有反應,我想這跟老師使用的word檔很有關係,因為word檔必須要一直往上或往下捲頁,視覺上對同學來說是很難連結,老師給的文本字數太多,很不容易閱讀,再加上有點像文批的課程,看完文本後要留有一些時間思考,不是那種可以很快就能有回應,所以我覺得老師可以先讓同學事先先看,再來做 “小組”的討論,感覺老師很像一人在上面演獨角戲。
美國歷史 學生約 20位,由中文老師英語授課,老師先回應同學私下寫信問的問題,再進入上課內容,用提問的方式先聊大家對這次上課主題的感想,用輕鬆的方式來進行,接著是兩位同學的presentation,他們的pp都做的十分精美,圖文並茂,內容很詳實,再加上其中一位同學口語 “十分”流利,報告整體很順暢,覺得很佩服,但另一位就拿稿唸,有點奇怪,但兩位同學可能就是跟底下觀眾的互動沒有很多,也很少有eye contact,有一點遺憾。
Tue. 精讀 這堂課有24位學生,由中文老師授課,有課本一篇篇文章講解,課文主要都是談論全球化、經濟、美國歷史和外交關係等。老師除了一句句用中文分析涵義外,有時也對重要的句子做翻譯,對同學的翻譯技巧有幫助,在來就是會談到一些相關字彙和用語,像是證券securities下面還有分bond, stock等,老師強調同學必須要知道中文一個詞在英文裡有很多不同程度的字彙可表達,同學們都會事先先預習,但是課程裡比較沒有師生互動,讓上課氣氛很沉重僵硬。
英文新聞採訪 學生有30~40位,由一名很受歡迎的英籍老師授課,老師自己準備英文報紙影印,讓同學當場閱讀,看有沒有什麼問題。我個人認為不是很有趣,很像是自己在看報紙,有問題自己查電子辭典的感覺,因為底下同學有一點鬧轟轟,也沒有問題發問。
Wed. 口譯 這次上的口譯,是大三同學修課的班,差不多有24人,由中文老師授課,上課使用的儀器很像是系上大一必修聽力在AV教室所使用的機器。第一節課,老師請兩個同學再事前準備一小段英語text, 任何主題都可以,帶到課堂上給同學坐練習,他們必須要事先翻譯好,當作一次presentation的成績。其中當天一位同學準備的是J. K. RowlingHenry Potter最新一集出版前接受的訪問,台上同學讓底下的人聽一兩段話,各自做重點紀錄,然後暫停,底下的學生開始對著他們的機器講他們口譯的內容,機器有錄音功能,之後台上同學才說出他們已經翻譯好的結果,在撥放剛才底下同學的錄音,讓他們在聽一次自己有沒有哪裡沒有注意到,連接詞不順或是少翻譯哪些地方,老師也會跟著同學一起做練習,並在適時指導一些恰當的口譯用詞。我覺得他們這種訓練口譯的方式很厲害,因為底下學生在做重點紀錄時,都抓關鍵字和連接詞,然後就直接口譯,將每個點連接得很好,讓我很訝異於他們的記憶力和口說能力。第二節課由老師來帶,跟第一節上課方式也很像,但老師選的text就比較有難度,老師會挑出一些用詞,跟同學討論翻譯成中文該如何表達。
英國文學概論 學生2030人,由英籍老師授課,主題是Wordsworth,先講解生平,在白板上寫重點,但後面同學看不到,覺得很納悶,因為不懂老師為何不用旁邊的大電腦螢幕。但就上課內容我覺得老師有將當代的文學背景和作者做很詳細的介紹,但對於文本就沒有深入探討,然後同學好像也沒有小組分組,所以感覺也只有老師對學生的單向交流。
Thu. 筆譯 筆譯有一點像口譯的方式進行,也是由同學提供text,準備的同學用一首詩,挑幾句重要句子,請底下同學翻譯,然後在跟自己是先已經準備好的譯文來做比較,看有沒有可以改善的地方,但是因為老師人很溫和,學生變的很吵。
Fri. 跨文化研究 學生約15人,老師講解文化的定義和culture shock,老師大部分涉及到的是有點定義方面的敘述,所以可能有些單調,但對於教法有點不敢茍同,因為老師常常對著課本murmur,課堂上少了互動,就會變的很單調,那一方面也是因為都是老師在講,聽不到學生的意見,學生就變的像在做自己的事,很像變成通識課。
翻譯入門 像大四的中英翻譯,老師用他自己寫的課本來講解,也是檢討之前學生教的作業,對於這堂課沒有很高的評價是因為,老師在課堂中談論到政治議題,讓我們很尷尬又很想要打斷反駁,所以不是上的很快樂,還是覺得不管是否有台灣學生在,不應該以老師的身分談論政治議題,學生很難擺脫被灌輸的機會。


其實我還是會覺得在台灣系上的學習環境真的很是自由很開放,由這次旅程中,我看到的是大陸學生只要一有機會,就會緊抓不放,他們充分利用空閒時間,來加強語文練習,像是大聲在校園裡public speaking,利用mp3重複聽一演講等等,我覺得他們的基礎訓練打的比我們紮實,但另一方面來看會顯得很像國高中那種教法,我還是會想要建議系上可以多開一些基礎訓練的課程,最明顯的口語能力,普遍來說是還要再好好加油的。



Veronica Ni

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我們在北外上的第一堂課是一個美國籍老師開的文學批評課。恰巧我上學期才剛修過蘇文伶老師的文批課,可以做個小小的比較。與我們系上文批課不一樣的是北外老師採取close reading的方式,給同學一小段文字作理論的探討,而不是像我們動輒一篇文章或一本小說。不變的是理論的艱深難解,優秀如北外學生也跟我們一樣唸得痛苦。我們也去上了美國歷史,修的學生都是做對象國研究的。這堂課有點像是我們系上西方文明史的延伸,也是一堂老師講課,一堂學生報告,值得一提的是,我們在這堂課見識到了北外學生的厲害,一個30分鐘的口頭報告,不看稿也能用很流利英文完成,更難得的是他的措辭也好,不會過度口語化,讓同是主修英文的我們霎時覺得很自卑。奇怪的是,她們開的語言學課很少,連語言學概論上的內容跟我們比起來也偏簡單。他們也有英國文學史,據說開課的英國老師很帥,風靡學生的程度不輸我們系的Dr. Murphy,我們去上他的課,果然所言不假,但是因為去的那堂課整節都在講作家的生平,無法評斷他到底教得如何。我覺得收穫最多的是口譯課,老師會在講台上講一段中文,然後每個同學就要做筆記然後試著翻成英文,之後老師會挑一個同學來講他的翻譯,老師再給予建議。我看過她們的課本,每個課都是一個領域,例如說某一課是汽車工業,底下就列了數十個單字。學生就要在上課之前把這些單字給記熟,因為老師上課給的翻譯題就是會用到。相較起來我們的翻譯課似乎老師都不會給學生可以做課前準備的課本或講義。比如說我們的中英翻譯,一個學期三個報告,其實學到的東西很有限,雖然我們熟習了許多翻譯的原則,但是練習稍嫌不足,而翻譯這學問就是要不停的磨練。

