Regulations for Curriculum Committee in the English Department,
College of Foreign Languages, Fu Jen Catholic University


第一條: 依據本校課程委員會設置辦法第六條之規定,成立本系課程委員會,以下簡稱本會。
第二條: 本會以系主任為主任委員,全體專任教師、學會會長及碩士班研究生代表為當然委員,大學部一至四年級班代與碩士班一至二年級研究生班代列席參與討論。主任委員得視需要邀請相關人員列席。
Composition of the Committee
第三條: 本會之職掌如下:
一、 研究並審議系定必修科目與學分相關事宜。
二、 研究並審議系定選修科目與學分相關事宜。
三、 其他有關課程規劃、修訂、研究等事項。
Job description:
1. To study and evaluate issues related to required courses/credits.
2. To study and evaluate issues related to elective courses/credits.
3. To plan, revise, study other issues related to curriculum.
第四條: 本會每學期至少召開一次,必要時得召開臨時會。
It will be convened at least once each semester; extraordinary meeting will be convened when necessary.
第五條: 為求議事效率,本會下設「課程規劃小組」,專責規劃開設次學年度課程與學分等相關事宜。
Purpose, Composition, and Terms of Curriculum Design Sub-Committee
第六條: 本會審議通過之相關議案,按照本校規定,提交院級及校級課程委員會審議通過後,報請教務會議核備實施。
Motion(s) proposed by this Committee will be implemented after approval by the College and University Curriculum Committees.
第七條: 本會設置辦法經系務會議通過,報請院長核定後實施,修正時亦同。
These Rules will be implemented after approval by the Department Faculty Meeting with the Dean's ratification. Amendments shall be approved in the same fashion.


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