Using Confidence Scores for Diagnosis and Feedback of Learner’s Reasons for Misconceptions in an Adaptive Web-Based Course for English Prepositions


Recently, the technology of World Wide Web has been widely applied to different aspects of language learning. However, many web based CALL systems do not customize material to meet individual student needs for content and evaluation. Although hypermedia is a dynamic environment for language learning, many CALL courses are still static, emphasizing the presentation of domain knowledge but neglecting how the individual student truly interacts with the lessons. Additionally, many evaluation systems just report the numbers of correct and incorrect answers or just diagnose students' error types without knowing the reasons behind their misconceptions. The purpose of this study is to develop an adaptive hierarchical concept level courseware for English prepositions learning on the WWW, aiming to improve ESL/EFL students' English prepositions learning. The first goal is to develop a framework for doing concept level modeling for English prepositions. The second goal is to diagnose students' error types in English prepositions and to identify the reasons behind their misconceptions. Two learning system models (Student Model and Tutor Model) will be developed. Students’ confidence scores will be used to diagnose the reasons behind students’ misconceptions. Based on the diagnosis, the system will generate adaptive feedback and knowledge representations for the student at the appropriate level. Formative and summative evaluations will also be performed to assess the effectiveness of the courseware.

Keywords adaptive hypermedia, student model, learning diagnosis, confidence score, remedial instruction, English preposition



近來全球資訊網的技術被運用在許多語言學習的層面。然而許多的網路輔助課程並沒有為不同學生量身訂作符合個別差異的課程內容與學習評鑑方式。雖然超媒體是一個互動性高的語言學習環境,然而許多的電腦輔助語言學習課程仍然以靜態的內容呈現居多,往往強調學習知識的呈現卻忽略不同學生與課體間的實際互動情形。此外,許多的學習評鑑系統僅計算與告知學習者答對或答錯的題數,或僅止於診斷學習者的錯誤型態而無法進一步分析每一種概念迷失背後的原因。由於英語介係詞一直是許多英語學習者感到困惑的學習項目,本計畫的主要目標在發展一套適性化,以階層概念圖為架構的英語介係詞網路輔助教學課程。首先本計畫將設計一個英語介係詞的概念圖做為課程設計的骨架;其次本計畫將發展兩個學習係統模式(Student Model & Tutor Model),並且以學生的信心值(Confidence Scores)找出學習錯誤概念並診斷其迷失概念背後的原因。最後,系統將根據診斷的結果提供學習者適性化的回饋與補救教學。本計畫也將執行系統的評估以做為修正的參考。

