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Main Street in American Fiction and Film                                                       

墨樵 Dr. Joseph Murphy

Sarah Orne Jewett

I.                   About Sarah Orne Jewett

A.    Education 教育

B.     Relationships 關係

C.     Death 死亡

II.                Sarah Orne Jewett’s Writing Style

III.             Criticism of Sarah Orne Jewett’s writing

IV.             Sarah Orne Jewett’s Works

A.    Timeline 時間

B.     Major Works 主要作品

V.                The Country of the Pointed Firs (1896)

A.    Plot 情節

B.     Structure 結構

C.     Themes 主題

D.    Characters 角色

VI.             Notes on The Country of the Pointed Firs
– by Dr. Joseph Murphy

VII.          Study Questions on The Country of the Pointed Firs –by Dr. Joseph Murphy

VIII.       Further Reading

IX.             Works Cited

Notes compiled by Daphne Chia, July 2011

Translated by Monica Chang, July 2011

Supervising teacher: Dr. Joseph Murphy


I. About Sarah Orne Jewett

Sarah Orne Jewett House
National Historic Landmark & Historic New England museum

"Sarah Orne Jewett House." Historic New England. 2011. Web. 20 July 2011.


  • 美國小說家、短篇故事小說家

  • 1849年 9月3日-1909年1月24日

  •  生於南博威克緬英州 (South Berwick, Maine)

  • 新英格蘭 (New England):

  • 波斯頓(Boston)  :

  • 南博威克〈South Berwick〉:
    ž 是小說中”地海文鎮” (Deephaven)和 “多那蘭頂鎮”(Dunnet Landing)的想像源頭。

  • 教育

  • 就讀奧利弗‧藍恩小姐的學校。

  • 由於關節炎的問題,朱艾特在博威克學院的學業時有中斷,於1865年畢業。

  • 主要影響作家:除了一些重要的英國、歐洲作家之外,的美國作家如艾默森 (Emerson)、羅威 (Lowel) 和哈莉葉‧畢曲‧史托 (Harriet Beecher Stowe) 等作家的作品。

  • 家藏書頗豐,她父親時常鼓勵她多閱讀。

  • 作品:「不過於強調宗教的議題」。朱艾特於1871年加入主教派教會,但她的作品較探討較非傳統的宗教概念。

  • 朱艾特對伊曼紐‧使維登柏格(Emanuel Swedenborg) 的教導特別有興趣。伊曼紐認為神性展現在:「無數彼此連結的形體上」。,此概念是珠艾特「個人責任」信念的基礎。

Annie and James Field

"Sarah Orne Jewett House." Historic New England. 2011. Web. 20 July 2011. <http://www.historicnewengland.org/historic-properties/homes/sarah-orne-jewett-house/sarah-orne-jewett-house>.

"Famous People from Maine - Maine State Famous Natives Sons and Daughters - Famous Mainers." World Atlas including Geography Facts, Maps, Flags - Worldatlas.com. Web. 18 July 2011. <http://www.worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/

  • 人際關係

  • 朱艾特的摯友包括安妮‧菲爾德 (Annie Fields 1834-1915) 和《亞特蘭月刊》的編輯,詹姆士‧湯瑪斯‧菲爾德 (James Thomas Fields)。

  • 在詹姆士‧菲爾德 (Thomas Fields) 死於1881年後,朱艾特的餘生都和安妮‧菲爾德住在一起。

  • 她們的關係被視為同志婚姻,有人推測她們兩人曾經是愛人(Lindemann)。

  • B. Amstutz則指出:「他們給予彼此友誼、樂趣以及文學上彼此的激勵。」

  • 死亡

  • 朱艾特在1902年9月3日時經歷一場馬車車禍,因此有腦震盪、也傷到了頸椎。這件是終止了她的寫作生涯。

  • 1909年3月時,朱艾特因中風而癱瘓。同年6月24日,朱艾特因另一次中風過世。

II. Sarah Orne Jewett’s Writing Style


"Works of Sarah Orne Jewett" World Atlas including Geography Facts, Maps, Flags - Worldatlas.com. Web. 18 July 2011. <http://www.worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/

受父親影響 :


短篇故事 :


ž   朱艾特擅長描寫十九世紀新英格蘭區的鄉村生活。朱艾特對「地方運動」有重要貢獻。

ž   在朱艾特的故事中,有大量當地環境的敘述,她展現對當地人文的了解。書中內容通常寫實且與朱艾特成長的環境息息相關。

角色 : 

ž   朱艾特故事中的角色包括長者到非傳統的女性都有,但她很少描述年輕男子的互動。

ž   「女性主義的學者對朱艾特筆下的女性角色、顛覆父權傳統的文學元素以及朱艾特對男性掌權世界的委婉評論有特殊的興趣。」(Bomarito and Hunter)

女主角 :

ž   在《地海文鎮》(1877)中,描寫年輕女性的友情

ž   A Country Doctor(1884)中,研究天賦異稟的女孩搜索未來志業的過程。

ž   Stories (1899)中,故事是闡述年長女性幻想自己和維多利亞女王的友誼。

III. Criticism of Sarah Orne Jewett’s Writing


朱艾特的第一部短篇小說即得到文學家的關注。威廉‧汀‧霍維〈William Dean Howells〉稱讚她的作品。在The Country of the Pointed Firs的前言中,維拉‧凱瑟〈Willa Cather〉宣稱她認為朱艾特的作品和南維爾‧霍桑(Nathaniel Hawthorne)及馬克‧吐溫(Mark Twain) Huckleberry Finn皆應獲得同樣持久的文學盛名。


朱艾特作品的名聲在1920年代下滑,朱艾特的作品被批判為僅僅是「隨筆」著作。朱艾特的作品不是以情節發展為主力,因而被批評為不值得討論的作品。有一個文學批評家更甚至稱她為僅僅是一個 「新英格蘭老婦女」,朱艾特說:「我似乎可以布置一個戲院、展示演員、場景和觀眾,但那兒從來沒有任何一齣戲劇!…我似乎變得非常困惑,當我試圖化這些元素為次等部分時…我確定我沒辦法寫出一般雜誌上的故事。」(qtd. in Blanchard 61).


IV. Sarah Orne Jewett’s Works

A.    Timeline:

1868: Jenny Garrow’s Lovers, written for The Flag of Our Union (23:46)

1877: Deephaven, Boston: James R. Osgood & Co.

1878: Play Days [stories], Boston: Houghton, Osgood & Co.

1879: Old Friends and New, Houghton, Osgood & Co.

1881: Country By-Ways [stories], Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co.

1884: A Country Doctor, Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co.

1885: A Marsh Island, Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co.

1886: A White Heron and Other Stories, Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co.

1887: The Story of the Normans [history], New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons.

1888: The King of Folly Island and Other People [stories], Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co

1890: Betty Leicester: A Story for Girls, Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co.

1890: Strangers and Wayfarers, Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co.

1893: A Native of Winby and Other Tales [stories], Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co.

1894: Betty Leicester's English Christmas: A New Chapter of an Old Story, Baltimore: Bryn Mawr School. (Privately printed).

1895: The Life of Nancy, Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co.

1896: The Country of the Pointed Firs, Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co.

1899: The Queen's Twin and Other Stories, Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co.

1901: The Tory Lover, Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co.

1905: An Empty Purse: A Christmas Story, Boston: The Merrymount Press (Privately reprinted from December 1895).


B. Major Works:  

Deephaven (1877)

"Deephaven by Sarah Orne Jewett." LibriVox. Web. 18 July 2011. <http://librivox.org/deephaven-by-sarah-orne-jewett>.

「朱艾特在第一部短篇故事集中,是由一個從城市到鄉村度過夏日時光的年輕女子所敘述。她拜訪了同伴已故阿姨的鄉村小屋。在故事中,敘述者告訴讀者她對新英格蘭鄉村文化和人的印象。朱艾特在其他作品中也利用這種局外人的視角去書寫故事。她的書寫大量敘述環境的段落。」(Bomarito and Hunter).


A Country Doctor (1884)

"A Country Doctor by Sarah Orne Jewett." One of a Kind Antiques. Web. 18 July 2011. <http://archives.books.oneofakindantiques.com/sold_




A White Heron and Other Stories (1886)

"Disparate Obligations in "A White Heron"" Becca's Book Blog. Web. 18 July 2011. <http://beccas-book-blog.blogspot.com/2009/04/disparate-obligations-in-white-heron.html>.


「她最出名的故事是“A White Heron”,這部作品檢視人和自然環境之間的關係。年輕的主角必須在代表愛好自然的白蒼鷺和代表愛人的選項─一個想要捕捉白蒼鷺的鳥類學家之間做選擇。」(Bomarito and Hunter).  

Betty Leicester: A Story for Girls (1890)

"Betty Leicester: A Story for Girls." Many Books. Net. Web. 18 July 2011. <"A Country Doctor by Sarah Orne Jewett." One of a Kind Antiques. Web. 18 July 2011.>.


15歲的貝蒂和她的阿姨在麻瑟諸塞州泰席區 (Tideshead Massachusetts)共度夏日時光,當時,她自然主義者的父親正在阿拉斯加旅行。(“Betty Leicester: Jewett, Sarah Orne, 1849-1909.”).


The Country of the Pointed Firs (1896)

"The Country of the Pointed Firs" by Sarah Orne Jewett." Girlebooks - Ebooks by the Gals. Web. 18 July 2011. <http://girlebooks.com/blog/free-ebooks/the-country-of-the-pointed-firs-review/>.


"A White Heron"被視為朱艾特最常被收入選集的作品,學者們同意The Country of the Pointed Firs (1896)是朱艾特成就最高的作品。這部作品被歸類為一部小說、一系列的隨筆或是故事集,而有些學者則認為它自成一種特殊的文類。朱艾特探討女性友誼,這段友誼為組成個人和社會的主要連結。女性在朱艾特的作品中被視為文化傳統的支柱,女性了解且認同自然環境,她們是可以從工業化的表面中閱讀到模糊過往的象徵。 (Bomarito and Hunter).


V. The Country of the Pointed Firs (1896)

"The Country of the Pointed Firs by Sarah Orne Jewett | Book Snob." Book Snob Web. 18 July 2011. <http://bookssnob.wordpress.com/2010/09/28/the-country-of-the-pointed-firs-by-sarah-orne-jewett>.

A.    情節

The Country of the Pointed Fire的敘述者是一位從城市到緬因州多那蘭頂鎮(Dunnet Landing Maine)度過夏日時光的女性。她在60歲的草本學者桃德女士那兒租了一個房間。桃德女士提供受身體或情緒病況所苦的居民草藥以治療他們。即便如此,桃德女士和當地醫生仍維持友好的關係,他們了解彼此在社區中的角色的重要性。桃德女士會花時間蒐集草藥和植物做成混和藥物以便販賣。


當桃德女士外出時,敘述者就在桃德女士那裏工作,但這份工作會使敘述者分心而無法持續寫作。之後,她租了一間空的校舍居住以專注於寫作。一個退休的海軍上尉理特佩吉拜訪敘述者,因為他認識桃德女士。上尉理特佩吉說了一個關於他的時代的故事,但他的故事無法和桃德女士關於兄弟、母親以及多那蘭頂鎮居民(Dunnet Landing)的故事相比。敘述者和桃德女士的友誼在夏日持續增長。敘述者對緬因(Maine)海灘區的欣賞與日俱增。(Extracted from “Jewett, Sarah Orne - Introduction.”).

B.     結構

「朱艾特小說中的故事結構『和一般線性男性敘述結構不同』如網狀。不像線性結構,她的結構有一個核心,敘述線按照一個基礎移出核心,又移回去,再移到另一個基礎點,又移回去,出去又回來,猶如蜘蛛的絲網網絡。並非建立一個不對稱的高度,它在故事中段集中力道:故事中最緊張的經驗就是拜訪綠島(Green Island),是故事的中心….不到故事尾聲 . . . . 敘述者尚未完全描述過所有角色。她在人生中不停結交各類的新朋友。」(Ammons, 85)


C.     主題


ž   整部小說專注於敘述者對多那蘭頂(Dunnet Landing)小社區的描述。

ž   桃德女士的功能是整部小說的試金石,敘述者藉由桃德女士去認識該社區各居民互相聯繫的關係。

ž   孤獨和寂寞也是重要的主題。瓊安娜 ‧桃德、上尉理特佩吉和伊利亞‧堤麗皆呈現孤寂這個主題。


ž   居民待在凋零漁村的孤立及困苦。

ž   語言代表社會階級。

ž   村民所給予的友誼的價值。


ž   女性友誼有儀式般的特質。

ž   女人是自然現象的代表。

ž   比較女性角色和希臘戲劇、神話角色的差異。

ž   回應小說網狀式的結構,而非線性事的風格。


ž   豐富的和細膩的敘述環境的變化。

ž   環境是每篇隨筆情節的重點,自然常常被擬人化。

ž   海象徵不道德、流動性、無限。


D.    角色


ž   敘述者─「一個除了寫作以外,沒有家庭、專業背景的女作家」(Cope).

ž   阿蜜拉‧桃德─「一個年約60歲的壯女人,她是敘述者了解「多那蘭頂鎮」(Dunnet Landing)和那裡的環境的管道。桃德女士藉著販賣草本藥方和供旅客寄宿維持個人開銷。」(Cope).「以一個自然主義者而言,阿蜜啦‧桃德對生活的看法局限於當代的知識,她沒有和敘述者一樣超脫空間與時間的能力。」(Graham).

ž   布蘭琪女士─「是桃德女士住在綠島年約86歲的母親。她是一個受所有她認識的人所愛與推崇的嬌小、活躍 的女性。」(Cope).

ž   瓊安娜‧桃德小姐─「是桃德女士已故丈夫的表姊,她在被未婚夫拋棄後獨自一人過著生活。」(Cope).


ž   上尉理特佩吉─「一個退休上尉,他向敘述者分享他對詩的愛好以及一個位在北極區的神祕地點的故事的經過,這故事帶出現實和未來的過渡期。」(Cope).


ž   威廉‧布蘭琪─「桃德女士的隱居漁夫的兄弟,他和母親一同居住在綠島。〈根據另一個故事 “The Dunnet Shepherdess”〉,他和伊莎‧海特相愛了40年。」(Cope).他無法維持正常的社交能力。

ž   伊利亞‧堤麗─「一個居住在多那蘭頂鎮(Dunnet Landing)的老漁夫,他是一個思念他老婆多年的鰥夫。」(Cope).

VI. Notes on The Country of the Pointed Firs – by Dr. Joseph Murphy

Text cited: The Country of the Pointed Firs and Other Stories. New York: Signet, 2000.

“The Return”

ž   Relationship between narrator and coast town of Dunnet Landing: like the return of a “lover”

ž   Dunnet imagery: “securely wedged,” “tree-nailed,” “attaching”

ž   The village inseparable from “its surroundings”: “dark woods” and sea (“knowing eyes”)

ž   Mixture of “remoteness” and “center of civilization” (1)

ž   Greeted by “crowd of spectators”: reference to “younger portion” is a bit misleading: most characters in book are old (2)


“Mrs. Todd”

ž   Confusion of time: “Later”: then, “at first”

ž   Problem: “lack of seclusion.” Why? Unclear: Mrs. Todd “lover of herbs,” a “very large person” —her position in garden conveyed by smell (3)

Ø   Later explained: narrator is a writer whose “literary employments” disrupted by job as Mrs. Todd’s shopkeeper (6)


“Mrs. Todd: Herbal Medicine”

ž   Mysterious: “dim sense and remembrance of something in the forgotten past”; “sacred and mystic rites”

Ø   Theme of time: Mrs. Todd never forgets her first thwarted love: “feelin’s comes back when you think you’ve done with ‘em”—like spring (7)

Ø   Image of Mrs. Todd as “sibyl” at center of braided rug

ž   Mrs. Todd’s complex relationship with village doctor: traditional vs. modern medicine (4)


“The Schoolhouse”

ž   Narrator rents schoolhouse as writing office

Ø   Abandoned for summer—children absent from book

Ø   Spirit of reflection: narrator reflects before renting (9); sheep reflects at window

Ø   Book learning associated with schoolhouse contrasts with oral tradition: “the school in which my landlady had strengthened her natural gift” (8)

Ø   Mrs. Todd visits: association of plants and people (10)


“At the Schoolhouse Window”

ž   Funeral procession: death, old age

ž   Schoolhouse window: writer’s vantage point: “I could recognize most of the mourners as they went their solemn way” (11)

ž   Contrast between “great sea,” “great landscape,” “song sparrows” and tiny mourners (12)

ž   Captain Littlepage: tree-bent (12)

Ø   Comparisons between plants/people: “Grown trees act that way sometimes, same’s folks” (see 93-94); “There’s a great many such strayaway folks, just as there is plants” (see 103-104)

ž   Narrator feels alienated by funeral—”did not really belong” to D.L.—sentences “failed to catch these lovely summer cadences” (13)


“Captain Littlepage”

ž   Capt. Littlepage a visitor to schoolhouse, takes the seat of scholar—over 80 years old

ž   Quotes from Paradise Lost—is a reader of great literature (“little page” is ironic?)—see 22

ž   His comment on Dunnet Landing: “In that handful of houses they fancy that they comprehend the universe” (16) (both ironic and true)

ž   Littlepage sees “change for the worse” in town

“Captain Littlepage: His narrative”

ž   Narrator is skeptical: “I began to find this unexpected narrative a little dull” (17): at end of story says, “Sit down, sir” (24)

ž   Littlepage’s interest: “great narratives” (28)—in contrast to the narrator’s commonplace stories

ž   Second-hand narrative, told to Littlepage by Scotchman, Gaffett

Ø   A great town occupied by ghost-like people, “neither living nor dead” (23): commentary on Dunnet Landing?

Captain Littlepage in “The Great Expedition”

ž   Another view of Captain Littlepage, now behind window, looking “as if the world were a great mistake and he had nobody with whom to speak his own language or find companionship” (89)


VII. Study Questions on The Country of the Pointed Firs – by Dr. Joseph Murphy

Study Questions: Jewett, The Country of the Pointed Firs (page numbers refer to the Signet Classic edition, 2000)

1. 加菲關於神祕北極「等待區」〈由上尉理特佩吉呈述〉的描述如何反映多那蘭頂鎮 (Dunnet Landing) (相同和相異於)的環境?(See 23-24; also 1-2 and 29-30, 63)

2. 我們藉由不同的視角─遠和近,觀察到布蘭琪女士的家是怎樣一棟房子?敘述者用哪些暗喻去形容該棟房子?這些暗喻有什麼意義? 這棟房子的外觀、背景、室內裝潢如何反映其居住者的生活、價值觀?綠島這個名稱有何意義?這個地方和多納蘭頂鎮(Dunnet Landing)有何不同?(See 34-35, 37, 39, 54)

3. 我們認識的威廉,也就是桃德女士害羞的兄弟,是怎樣的人?他如何展現自己的羞澀,他又是如何和敘述者、其他人溝通?(43-45, 52)他和母親維持怎樣的關係?(39)和其姊妹的關係呢(47-48, 51)?為何要比較威廉的發聲以及家族的銀板照像?(52)作為一個重要的男性角色,威廉建議男性角色該如何作為?

4. 形容餐點和威廉、桃德女士、敘述者、布蘭琪女士、和她的貓對社會儀式有何貢獻?什麼致使布蘭琪女士成為一名特殊的女主人,她對鄰居的生活有何貢獻?(See 46-47)

5. 敘述者在布蘭琪女士的銀板照相中看到她 “a far-off look that sought the horizon” (48) 〈遙遠的望著地平線〉有何意義?桃德女士如何用類似的遙遠視線望著那薄荷草叢生的斷崖?桃德女士有何關於該地的痛苦感受(49)?為何此景與安蒂岡妮有關聯?

6. 在這部小說中,情感如何連結景象?舉例而言,“an old flowered-glass tea-caddy”(老的花玻璃茶葉罐)和多巴哥大杯子?(51)還有布蘭琪女士睡房的物品包括:被子、聖經、頂針、上衣等等(53)?還有那森‧陶德的珊瑚別針(70, 77)?這些物品如何反映深層情緒?

7. 霍斯迪克女士是誰?她為何被稱為“best hand in the world to make a visit” (57-58)(最佳拜訪好手) (57-58)?用何種角度去評量她的拜訪猶如“[set] in as well as a tide’s” (58-59)(潮流一般) (58-59)?為何提及她猶如“a strange sail on the far horizon” (55)(一種奇特航行在遠遠的地平線上的船隻),這些提供哪些關於她的生活特色和她的過往的資訊?

8. 根據上尉理特佩吉(18-19)、霍斯迪克女士的評語(64),多那蘭頂(Dunnet Landing)從早至今改變多少?

9.「可憐的瓊安娜」如何成為殼堆島(Shell-heap Island)的隱士?多那區(Dunnet)的居民如何回應瓊安娜的決定,他們的反應如何說明該社區的價值觀?瓊安娜在該區持續居於何種角色?(See 62-83; especially 69, 78)在敘述者的想像中,瓊安娜扮演什麼?(83) 小說中哪些其他角色,在某種角度來看,和瓊安娜相似?

10. 為什麼帕森‧狄米克這個角色一直被諷刺地和瓊安娜以及桃德女士作連結?(69, 71, 75-77, 79).他這名牧師有哪些缺陷?他如何被視為不夠男性化,相較於傳統對男子氣概的定義而言?桃德女士對他的評論有何深義:“he seemed to know no remedies, but he had a great use of words” (77)(他看來沒有解藥,他只知道如何使用文字)?

VIII. Further Reading
1. Read Sarah Orne Jewett’s works at the Sarah Orne Jewett Text Project Online: Website contains an organized collection of Jewett’s works, as well as biographical information, a photo gallery of Jewett’s friends and acquaintances. Link: The Sarah Orne Jewett Text Project. <http://www.public.coe.edu/~theller/soj/sj-index.htm>.

2. The Electronic Text of Sarah Orne Jewett’s The Country of the Pointed Firs, sponsored by the University of North Carolina. Link: Storyforms. UNC, 1998. <http://sites.unc.edu/storyforms/pointedfirs/>.

3. “Journeys in Sarah Orne Jewett’s The Country of the Pointed Firs”: Introduction: This site is designed for instructors interested in pursuing the "journey" theme in Jewett's novella. The following activities build critical thinking: from personal experiences and brainstorming to theoretical discussions. Link: <http://sites.unc.edu/storyforms/pointedfirs/journeys/journeys.html>.

4. Multimedia: A thought provoking collection of Creative Quotations from Sarah Orne Jewett (1848-1909); born on Sep 3. US author. She was noted for stories depicting New England countryside charm, e.g., "The Life of Nancy," 1895. Link: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jNPMqjJwiE>.

5. Multimedia: “The White Heron”. Description: This is the tender tale of Sylvy, a girl caught between her admiration for a young hunter and her strong love of nature. Despite her affection for the hunter, she is unable to help him kill a white heron, a cherished prize of nature. When she discovers the heron's hiding place, she refuses to reveal it. "A superb adaptation." —Booklist. Produced by Jane Morrison. An LCA release. 26 minutes, color. Brief scene here: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmD-6x8FnWc>.

6. “A Jewett Pharmacopoeia”. Interesting article about the significance of herbs and flowers in Sarah Orne Jewett’s The Country of the Pointed Firs

Eden, Ted. "A Jewett Pharmacopoeia." Colby Quarterly 28.3 (1992): 140-43. Sept. 1992. Web. 19 July 2011. <http://digitalcommons.colby.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2924&context=cq>.

IX. Works Cited

Ammons, Elizabeth. “Going in Circles: The Female Geography of Jewett's Country of the Pointed FirsStudies in the Literary Imagination 16, no. 2 (Fall 1983): 83-85.

Amstutz, Margaret A. "Jewett, Sarah Orne," American National Biography Online, Feb. 2000.

“Betty Leicester: Jewett, Sarah Orne, 1849-1909.” Internet Archive. NY Library. Web. 20 Aug. 2011. <http://www.archive.org/details/bettyleicester00jewe>.

Blanchard, Paula. Sarah Orne Jewett: Her World and Her Work. Reading: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1994.

Cope, Jim, and Wendy Cope. "A Teacher's Guide to the Signet Classic Edition of Sarah Orne Jewett's The Country of the Pointed Firs." PenguinGroup. Web. 19 July 2011.

"Famous People from Maine - Maine State Famous Natives Sons and Daughters -        Famous Mainers." World Atlas including Geography Facts, Maps, Flags - Worldatlas.com. Web. 18 July 2011. <http://www.worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/namerica/usstates/mefamous.htm>.

Graham, Margaret Baker. "Visions of Time in 'The Country of Pointed Firs.' | Studies in Short Fiction | Find Articles at BNET." Find Articles at BNET | News Articles, Magazine Back Issues & Reference Articles on All Topics. Web. 18 July 2011. <http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m2455/is_n1_v32/ai_17156389/>.

Jewett, Sarah Orne. The Country of the Pointed Firs and Other Stories. New York: Signet, 2000. Print.

“Jewett, Sarah Orne - Introduction.” Feminism in Literature. Ed. Jessica Bomarito and Jeffrey W. Hunter. Gale Cengage, 2006. eNotes.com. 2006. 18 Jul, 2011 <http://www.enotes.com/feminism-literature-cc/jewett-sarah-orne>.

Lindemann, Marilee. “Jewett, Sarah Orne.” GLBTQ: the World's Largest Encyclopedia of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Culture. Web. 18. July 2011. <http://www.glbtq.com/literature/jewett_so.html>.

Lauter, Paul, ed. The Heath Anthology of American Literature. Third edition. vol. 2. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1998.

MacKenzie, Cindy. "A Country Doctor -- Book Review." Curled Up With A Good Book. 2006. Web. 22 Aug. 2011. <http://www.curledup.com/countdoc.htm>.

Nagel, Gwen L. Critical essays on Sarah Orne Jewett. Boston, Mass.: G.K. Hall, 1984. PS2133 .C74

Reuben, Paul P. "Chapter 5: Sarah Orne Jewett." PAL: Perspectives in American Literature- A Research and Reference Guide. Web. 18 July 2011 <http://web.csustan.edu/english/reuben/pal/chap5/jewett.html>.


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