Short Stories:

"The Music of the Violin"

Njabulo S. Ndebele

"The Music of the Violin"中文情節摘要:


  •  Vukani, his sister Toboho, his mother (a nurse) and father (a school inspector); his friend Doksi
  •  the guests: Dr. Zwane and his wife, Beatrice
  •  the school children
  •  the teachers: Ms. Yende (the strict one), Maseko (the rebellious one)
Warm Up


  • When you were children, did you feel that you were forced to learn to play the piano or violin, or forced to perform in front of some guests in order for your parents to show off? 
  • At school, young children tend to form small groups and sometimes gang up against some specific target.  Have you ever had such experience of isolating one black sheep or being the black sheep?  Looking back, can you find reasons for such "innocent but cruel" antagonism among children?  In what ways are they similar to or different from the antagonism formed among adults?      
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"The Music of the Violin":

1.   Gender relations: How are the two women (Vukani’s mother and Beatrice) different from the two men (Vukani’s father and Dr. Zwane in the opening scene?  What are they each concerned with? 

2.   How are Vukani and Toboho treated differently?  How does Vukani respond to having visitors at home?  Why is he so afraid?

3.   How is “education” presented in this story? 

4.  In the two central scenes of conflicts (the loss of the violin and the harassment of the gang), how are the issues of gender and race mixed together? 

5. How do you compare this story with “The Prophetess”?  How do the parents treat their children differently?  How do the characters look at tradition differently?