South African: Signs of Resistance and Ironies on Ad Billboards 

The following two photographs (by S. Sack) "were taken in Soweto during 1986.  As one frives into Soweto on the Baragwanath Hospital highway, these [two] signs were the visual landmarks of the township landscape.  They have all been removed and replaced with new signs.  The advertising billboards in Soweto tend to dominate the landscape and become transient landmarks.  They get woven into the social fabric and serve as literal and metaphorical indicators of the underlying social forces. (Culture in Another South Africa pp. 77-78.)

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The sign only stayed for display for a few months before it was removed.  

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The Deadliest Doom Even sign takes an ironic meaning, particularly with soweto in the background. 

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An ad in Braamfontein Johannesburg, contrasting the South African reality, the good time, Coke is it, and the security Peaceforce that makes it possible and impossible.  In the background is the Johannesburg to Soweto train.

(image source: Culture in Another South Africa p 81-82.)