
Syllabus for Fall 2004  Syllabus for Spring 2005

To learn:

    * what linguistics is; *some basic knowledge in this field;

    * to think about language as a thing, apart from its everyday uses and meanings, so that we can understand what those uses and meanings are, and how they are achieved;

    * to examine our own beliefs about language, languages, and speakers;

    * to observe, and to analyze, and to write and talk about our observations and analyses.


Nash, Thomas. Discovering Language: An Introduction to               
            Linguistics for Chinese Students. Taipei: The  
            Crane,   1986.

Yule, George. The Study of Language. 2nd ed. Cambridge:
            Cambridge UP, 1996.

Fall 2004 Spring 2005
Midterm Exam....................24%
Midterm exam................23%
Final Exam.........................24%
Final Exam.....................23%
Report (in small groups).....25%
Report (in small groups).25%
Participation & Attendance..9%
Other assignments ..........4%


Before doing your report, don't forget to read the guidelines!

Report Topics

Fall 2004

- Cell Phone Talk
- Gestures
- Mandarin Sounds
- Computer Mediated Communication
- Code-Switching and Code-Mixing

Spring 2005

- Chinese Morphology
The Syntax of Spoken Language
- Interpersonal meaning
Borrowed Words


Pauses student sample


Crystal, David. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language. 2nd ed. Cambridge:  
     Cambridge UP, 1997.

Fromkin, Victoria & Robert Rodman. An Introduction to Language. NY: Harcourt 
     Barce, 1998.

Johnson, Keith and Helen Johnson, eds. The Encyclopedia Dictionary of Applied 
     Linguistics: A Handbook for Language Teaching. Oxford: Blackwell, 1998.

Wardhaugh, Ronald. Investigating Language: central programs in Linguistics. 
     Oxford: Blackwell, 1993.