Toward the Blue Peninsula 1951-52 (120 Kb); Construction, 10 5/8 x 14 15/16 x 3 15/16 in; Collection Daniel Varenne, Geneva, from WebMuseum, Paris

Some introductions and articles about Joseph Cornell:
Joseph Cornell - an introduction and a virtual exhibit of his works from WebMuseum, Paris
An introduction of Joseph Cornell - with some works from The Artchive
Some eletric articles about Joseph Cornell from the Electric Library of



Untitled (Window Facade) 1950 Box construction: painted wood, glass, cracked glass, and mirror The Menil Collection, from Art Minimal & Conceptual Only

Joseph Cornell's works:
Joseph Cornell- showing seven pieces of works by Cornell from National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.
Joseph Cornell - includes images and discussion of the works from Art Minimal & Conceptual Only
Joseph Cornell- lots of links to sites with Cornell's works from Artcyclopedia: The Fine Art Search Engine
"Joseph Cornell: Box Constructions and Collages" - A short introduction of Joseph Cornell's art from Norton Museum of Art


***The image on the right side is a box construction that Joseph Cornell made. It features a picture of Loy taken by Man Ray. It is from Julien Levy: Portrait of an Art Gallery edited by Ingrid Schaffner and Lisa Jacobs (Cambridge, MA: MIT P, 1998).


Les Constellations Voisines du Pole, by Joseph Cornell, 1961 Robert and Jane Meyerhoff Collection 1991.218.2, from the National Gallery of Art Washington D. C.

Untitled (Soap Bubble Set) 1936 (140 Kb); Construction, 15 3/4 x 14 1/4 x 5 7/16 in; Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, CT, from WebMuseum, Paris

Object (Abeilles) 1940 (190 Kb); Construction, 9 1/8 x 14 1/8 x 3 7/16 in; Collection Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Wiseman, Beverly Hills, CA, from WebMuseum, Paris