This drawing of Jules Pascin is done by Mina Loy around 1923. It is from The Last Lunar Baedeker edited by Roger L. Conover (Highlands, NC: Jargon Society, 1982).

Jules Pascin, a photo taken by Man Ray, 1923, from Lonbersyl Fine Art

Jules Pascin by Emile Ganso, New York 1927, from Lonbersyl Fine Art

Biographies and articles about Jules Pascin:
A biography of Jules Pascin with a chronology from Lonbersyl Fine Art
some electric articles about Jules pascin from the Electric Library of


La Chasse a la femme by Jules Pascin, 1913, from Lonbersyl Fine Art

Etude de femmes dans un interieur by Jules Pascin, 1916 USA, from Lonbersyl Fine Art

Jules Pascin's works
Modern and contemporary art specialising in the works of Jules Pascin: several paintings by Jules Pascin, from Lonbersyl Fine Art
four paintings by Pascin from Fine Art Museum of San Francisco

Some sites with good links:

Jules Pascin- with links to Pascin's paintings from Artcyclopedia: The Fine Art Search Engine

Two Young Girls in Repose by Jules Pascin (Julius Pinkas) American , 1885 - 1930, circa 1925 from Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco

The Turkish Family, by Jules Pascin 1907 from the Jewish Museum