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English Department Courses Spring, 2010

Applied Computer Technology: Gretchen Lee & Doris Shih
Reading (section A): Yun-Pi Yuan
Western Civilization: Wen-ling Su & Joseph Murphy
Introduction to Linguistics: Yun-pi Yuan & Kentei Takaya
Statistics for Language: Yun-Pi Yuan, Doris Shih
Cross-Cultural Communication: Global Understanding Project: Doris Shih
Junior Composition and Conversation: Mock Job Interview;
TOEFL & Self-Learning; MMC Self-Learning Center software [1]; [2]
Sec A: Patrice Yang; Sec B: Doris Shih; Sec C: Cecilia Liu; Sec E: Kate Liu
Literary Criticism: Identity, Trauma and Globalization: Kate Liu
Between Home and Homeland: South Asian Diaspora Literature: Kate Liu
Chinese Culture through Foreign Languages: Beatrice Hsu & Gretchen Lee

SOCE English Department Courses:



Extension Credit Courses: AIEDL Home

2010 Spring courses


