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1 Please comment on the syllabus. How adequately did it provide interesting and significant material for your consideration? In what ways might it be improved?




2 Did the course cover the materials you expected it would?




3 How well was the material covered in class? Please be as specific as possible about weak and strong points of class meetings.




4 How was your work evaluated? Were assignments clear? Was the grading fair? Was the instructor sufficiently available for conference?




5 What would you recommend the teacher continue to do in the course? What would you say should be changed? Why?




6 Have you learned anything from this course? If so, what? If not, why not?




7 Did you come to classes prepared, and did you participate in discussions? Did you and the other students help the course to succeed? If so, why? If not, why not?




8 Please feel free to offer additional comments about this course and teacher. Your comments will be read and valued.