Intergrams: Studies in Languages and Literatures

INTERGRAMS is an electronic journal published by The Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Chung Hisng University (Taichung, Taiwan, 402)

INTERGRAMS invites submissions of papers on languages and literatures.  Articles may be written in Chinese or English.  Submissions in French, German, Japanese, Spanish, or other languages will be accepted, with publication pending editorial approval.

Bi-annual submission deadlines are June 1 and December 1; respective uploading dates are September 30 and March 31.

Submit electronic papers along with abstracts and keywords in the format of TXT, DOC (MS Word for Windows), or HTML to We request the inclusion of the following information in your package: your academic title, department, institution, mailing address, telephone, fax, and email.

For more information, check out INTERGRAM's homepage at

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