for detailed information please check: http://www.eng.fju.edu.tw/graduate/activity/conference.htm
  1. 輔仁大學第六屆中世紀學術研討會:中世紀之哲學、宗教與宮廷騎士文學
    Fu Jen Sixth Annual Medieval Conference: Philosophy, Religion and Courtesy Literature in the Middle Ages
    Date: May 6-7, 2005
  2. 第一屆理論音韻學研討會
    The First Theoretical Phonology Conference
    Date: May 21, 2005
  3. 第一屆新竹市香山區三校合辦英語語文教學國際研討會暨書展:台灣英語教學方法與學習 新竹--2005
    1st Hsiang-shan Area Intercollegiate International Conference and Book Fair on English Language Teaching: Pedagogy and Learning in Taiwan
    Date: May 21, 2005
  4. 建構批判性的跨(國)文化流動研究學術研討會new!
    Date: May 28, 2005.
    Online registration: http://ms.ntu.edu.tw/~transculture
  5. The 39th Workshop for Asian-Pacific Teachers of English: Enhancing Asia-Pacific Harmony in the 21st Century
    Date: August 1-10, 2005

for detailed information please check: http://www.eng.fju.edu.tw/graduate/activity/speech.html
  1. Topic: Lexico-grammar and discourse in everyday talk
    Speaker: Dr. Hugh Trappes-Lomax, Institute for Applied Language Studies, University of Edinburgh
    Time: May 3 (Tue.) 12:00-14:00
    Place: T701 Ching-sheng Memorial Hall, Tamkang University
  2. Topic: What is English, and what is happening to it?
    Speaker: Dr. Hugh Trappes-Lomax, Institute for Applied Language Studies, University of Edinburgh
    Time: May 4 (Wed.). 10:00-12:00
    Place: T701 Ching-sheng Memorial Hall, Tamkang University 淡江大學驚聲紀念大樓T701
  3. Topic: Lexico-grammar and discourse in academic writing
    Speaker: Dr. Hugh Trappes-Lomax, Institute for Applied Language Studies, University of Edinburgh
    Time: May 5 (Thur.) 12:00-14:00
    Place: T601 Ching-sheng Memorial Hall, Tamkang University 淡江大學驚聲紀念大樓T601
  4. Topic: Worlds apart: problems of interpreting globalised art new!
    Speaker: 吳金桃(中研院歐美所助研究員)
    Moderator: 李紀舍(台大外文系助理教授)
    Time: May 7 (Sat.) 12:30-14:00
    Place: Conference Room of Department of Geography, 9th Fl., Chen Building, National Taiwan Normal University 台師大校本部誠大樓九樓地理系研討室(五)
Call for Papers
for detailed information please check: http://www.eng.fju.edu.tw/graduate/activity/askpaper.htm
  1. 第一屆實踐大學英語文教學研討會
    First Shih Chien University English Language Teaching Conference
    Deadline: June 30, 2005 (abstract)
  2. 第十三屆英美文學研討會:解/建構主體認同:文化翻譯與文學動力
    13th R.O.C. English and American Literature Association Conference
    (De)Constructing Identities: Cultural Translation and Literary Empowerment
    Deadline: May 10, 2005 (abstract)
  3. 中外文學 Chung-Wai Literary Monthly new!
  4. 《歐美季刊》EurAmerica new!
Grants & Scholarships
for detailed information please check: http://www.eng.fju.edu.tw/graduate/activity/grant.htm