"The Animal Song"

~~The animal Innocence in the complicated world         By Andrey Chen

 A.The Busy world

 B.The innocent animals

 C.Lost selves in childhoods

 D.Find our innocence in this busy world again

A.The busy world:

    In this high-technique world, we can always see crowds of people and disturbing noises everywhere.  People move in a quick pace and chase for things such as money and fame.  However, sometimes we may lose our sense and feelings in this busy world.  Our hearts are empty and lonely because we neglect our true feelings.  We care news about others, but forget to nourish our minds.  Lyrics of "The animal song" express the sadness for us, the narrator want to save us out of the busy world for a while and wake the innocent souls from us by leading us to become animals.
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B.The innocent animals:

    "When superstars and cannonballs are running through your head/ television freak show cops and robbers everywhere."  This line refers that people grow ignorant, feel nothing even if a cannonball is running through our heads.  Besides, we get used to those "arranged" things and programs for us, but forget that we once had the unlimited creativity in our childhood.  The line, "Subway makes me nervous/ people pushing me too far" shows that this city is too busy for people to leave a space for friendship and communication.  We always need to fight because if we don't we will be defeated.  Thus, people are treated as obstacles or enemies instead of respective human beings in the busy world.  We are getting along with stress and pressure all the time.  The line "Got to break away/ so take my hand now/ because I want to live like animals/ I want to live like animals/ careless and free like animals" indicates that the narrator wants to get rid of all the ignorance and stress and to become an innocent animal which doesn't need to care about the meaningless city thing.  "I want to live/ I want to run through the jungles/ the wind in my hair/ and the sand at my feet."  Jungles are always natural, and everything is original there.  Animals will never be bothered in such a place.  If without unnecessary constraints and shoes, we human beings can also expose ourselves to the nature.
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C.Lost selves in childhoods:

   The lines, "I've been having difficulties keeping to myself/ feelings and emotions better left up on the self," "nimals and children tell the truth/ they never lie/ which one is more human? There's a thought now you decide" shows us that human adults learn to lie, cheat, and deprived the honesty of our hearts.  In contrast, the innocent animals and children have more qualification to deserve the name of "human," "Compassion in the jungle/ compassion in your hands/ Would you like to make a run for it? Would you like to take my hands?"  The lines above encourage us to follow the original innocence in our childhood, which has been deeply buried in our hearts.  Just dig it out and follow the passion!
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D.Find our innocence in this busy world again:

   "Sometimes this life can get you down/ It's so confusing there's so many rules to follow/ but I don't feel it because I just run away in my mind."  Life can be painful tortures if we choose to live the busy lives.  We have the right to follow the free wills in our minds, but most of us choose to follow the social rules and repress the innocent passion.  Only the witty man can follow his passion in his mind and find his own happiness.  From "The animal song" we can see that the narrator wants to tell people this busy world often leads people to forget and hide the true selves that we once had in our childhood.  We should dig out our animal-like innocence and find out our true selves.

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