Engraving of Job and His Friends by Dore 1866. An engraving by the French printmaker Gustave Dore of Job and His Friends,a scene from Dore's Bible. www.corbis.com/Chris Hellier
from http://search.gallery.yahoo.com/search/corbis_id?p=cid%3A11044689

dot3.gif (1246 ????)An introduction to the story of Job from Net Ministers:http://www.netministries.org/Bbasics/BBjob.htm

dot3.gif (1246 ????) Discussion of Wisdom literature in the Bible, Job, and some study questions from Quartz Hill School of Theology:http://www.theology.edu/biblesurvey/job.htm

dot3.gif (1246 ????) Study questions about Job from Daily Bible Study: http://www.execulink.com/~wblank/job.htm

dot3.gif (1246 ????)Study questions provided by Sister Heliena Krenn

The story of Job is about human suffering. Most people think: if God is just He will reward the good and punish the evil. But Job, who is good, has to suffer severely. Job 1.1-12: How does the author explain this? Job 20: What explanation does Job's friend find for this suffering? Job 38, 39: How do these verses explain that Job's suffering does not contradict the concept of a just God?

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